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Danse Macabre Part 5

36 bytes removed, 10:34, 12 April 2020
Part 4 The Birth of the Antichrist - 25 Dec
Action : Burn the whole Quartier. Or anything else that makes sense.
=Part 4 The Birth of the Antichrist Hell - 25 Dec=
* '''Normal : XXXX'''
"L" is mounted on a pale horse.
===Make Noise, then keep light, then stay awake===
As soon as there's a long enough moment of silence, the angel comes. So they have to make noise.
The players need to find a solution to keep the noise.
===Secret passages===
The Lord doesn'tt know of secret passages, that he is aware of.
Solution : Put some dust on the ground until they find where the footsteps come from.
===The Templar Cupboard==
The steps come from a cupboard.
The players could easily destroy it, but it would sound the alarm.
If they search the castle, they can find a templar sword, it unlocks the secret passage.
===Templar Hideout===
If the players are all immmune, the lord come with them.
Also, there's only one place with bones.
A place full of skeletons. Lots of templar tombs, with danse macabre names on them they are all opened. That's where the bone artifacts where kept. (made from bones of templars ???)
One artifact per templar brother. ??
===Killing L===
L runs to a nearby passgae, tha tbrings to a nearby church full of bodies. Danse macabre frequeses in the church. Statue of an angel with a sword.
He is in tthe church top floor.
Epilogue musics :
*'''Epique entre-scenart gagant 12-Pista de audio 12.mp3'''

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