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Danse Macabre Part 5

1,939 bytes added, 10:33, 12 April 2020
Part 4 The Birth of the Antichrist - 25 Dec
{{Ambiance Track
| 5min = They realise that it's quite cold in the palace and the streets are perfectly quiet. They are in a dead city. The Lords head of Marseille guards decides to wall the entrance of the palace. Outside the only noise is delirious. No. Not a person lying in front of the Book, Don't open itpalace coughing. The angel with black wings, No !.| 10min = | 15min = | 20min = | 30min = | 40min = 40Sext bellThey hear footsteps and grinding stone noise in the Castle. A player receives poison in one glassOne of the feverish servants of the lords tries to asassinate him he wield a human bone. He has one actionRoll or get disease. He need to decide to vomitThe Bone is old. Otherwise stay feverish in bedIt's unclear where it come from.| 45min 20min = 45Sext bell. A player receives poison They hear footsteps and grinding stone noise in one glassthe Castle. He has one action| 30min = At some point the light is off, then the angel arrive. He need From this point on, they have to decide to vomit. Otherwise stay feverish in bedkeep light on.| 50min 40min = 50Sext bell. A player receives poison They hear footsteps and grinding stone noise in one glass. He has one action. He need to decide to vomit. Otherwise stay feverish in bedthe Castle.| 60min 45min = 60Sext bell. A player receives poison At some point the diseased in one glassthe street stop coughing. He has one actionThere's absolute silence. He need to decide to vomitThey hear a silent sound. Otherwise stay feverish in bed.| 70min = 70Sext bell. A That's when the Angel visit the players until the player receives poison in one glassmake some noise. He has one action. He need From this point on, they have to decide to vomit. Otherwise stay feverish in bedkeep noise and light on.| 75min 60min = 75Sext bell. A player receives poison One of the soldiers fall asleep, the angel visit him in one glass. He has one action. He need to decide his sleep, from this point on they have to vomit. Otherwise stay feverish in bedwake, light on and noise.| 80min 75min = 80Sext bell. A player receives poison in one glass. He has one action. He need to decide to vomit. Otherwise stay feverish in bed.| 90min = 90Sext bell. A player receives poison in one glass. He has one action. He need to decide to vomit. Otherwise stay feverish in bed.
The Lord of marseille's staff has fever. The lords and , the players and his personal guards are the only ones in the palace who are healthy. Some of his servants sneaked into his room at night and tried to assasinate him. He fought back.
He begs the players to ensure his safety. After that event, he has fever too and can't leave bed.
Survive the plague themselves and have the corpses burned. and save the lord of marseille who can't move
Death angel come to all characters who do not have immune, they have to use Faith to survive.
"L" is mounted on a pale horse.
===Make Noise, then keep light, then stay awake===
As soon as there's a long enough moment of silence, the angel comes. So they have to make noise.
The players need to find a solution to keep the noise.
===Secret passages===
The Lord doesn'tt know of secret passages, that he is aware of.
Solution : Put some dust on the ground until they find where the footsteps come from.
===The Templar Cupboard==
The steps come from a cupboard.
The players could easily destroy it, but it would sound the alarm.
That's one way of doing it though.
On the cupboard there's the drawing of a templar skeleton. With a hole in his hear where you could put a sword.
If they search the castle, they can find a templar sword, it unlocks the secret passage.
===Templar Hideout===
If the players are all immmune, the lord come with them.
Lost of books about templars, lots encyphered letters.
A Fortune of letters of debts to lots of nobleman. Some gold lots of armors.
Spiderwebs everywhere.
They learn about the past of this family.
Where did he go ?
Spiderwebs everywhere, except one place.
Also, there's only one place with bones.
A place full of skeletons. Lots of templar tombs, with danse macabre names on them they are all opened. That's where the bone artifacts where kept. (made from bones of templars ???)
One artifact per templar brother. ??
One of the players is asstaked by the Angel. If the players are all immmune, the lord come with them.
The angel has black wings and it's a skeleton.
How to defeat the angel ?
Only one tomb isn't opened, this templar has angel wings.
????If th eplayers open it. The angel disappears.??????
===Killing L===
L runs to a nearby passgae, tha tbrings to a nearby church full of bodies. Danse macabre frequeses in the church. Statue of an angel with a sword.
He is in tthe church top floor.
With a wave of his sword peiple who are still alive in the piles of bodies will get up and attack the payers. Roll for disease.
Up to the players to kill him remotely. There's a statue above him of an angel with a sword. It's unstable, possible to make it fall. His platform is unstable as well.
players might have a remote atack, all is ok.

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