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Knowledge (pyrotechnics)

742 bytes added, 21:17, 30 September 2019
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The Liber Ignium by Marcus Graecus discusses in great details the advances in pyrotechnics brought by Chinese alchemists.
Your character have encyclopedic knowledge about explosives and all sorts of violent chemical reactions.
He may even be able to read few words in Chinese and had access to rare Chinese treaties on this subject.
This Feats allows you to prepare in one hour with suitable equipment one of the following recipes (to be used within a week after creation) :
*Greek Fire
All characters with a specialised « Knowledge (something) » Feat are very literate. They are fluent in latin, greek and have at least some bases of a foreign language of their choice. They can read and write any languages they know.
If the character is attempting an action related to the general [[Knowledge]] Feat, he must roll a die six. With no possibility to roll again for this whole situation.
On a 1,2,3,4 this Feat has no effect.
On a 5 or 6 the character is considered to have the [[Knowledge]] Feat momentarily.

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