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Danse Macabre Part 3

51 bytes added, 16:45, 14 August 2018
Part 4 The appointment
But some strangers are here and he doesn't want or need to harm the strangers. So please stranger. Go away.
While the poem is being said, the stranger that followed them starts to growget agitated.
The shade of a skeleton playing psaltery appears and disappears in the crowd."No ! Why did you brought him ! Noooo ! I'm not going back ! I'm stronger than Eugene
From time to time Bladed wings tears through the cape and all the dancers get up and dancer grabs themstart dancing frantically. There's a heavy black rain everywhere except around the bladed creature. They seem to be dacing according to But the tunerain is getting stronger and stronger.
There's a black rain, and it damages their white flames. Their qualities are deactivated one by one.
The player who has a black flame feel better and better. He feels he's going to go crazy.
Action : One of the dancers mimics a violin. When they kill him, Oldaric appears in his true form.

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