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Danse Macabre Part 3

1,901 bytes added, 17:46, 13 August 2018
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=Part 4 The appointment= 
The players go to the Bourgmestre's house, where the table is set. Wine is served. A mix of Hippocras mixed with Mandragora. To meet him, they have to drink.
They fall asleep.
They're now drunk and start hallucinating.
They see the table full or dried out food.
They all have a a white flame in their chest.
Except the player that have the coin, he has a black flame instead.
The sky is completely dark. Not even a star on sight. And light is much less bright than usual.
Some withered flower petals fall. Flower that means death.
They can hear clearly someone playing Psaltery.
Action : They either have to have great willpower or cover their ears in any way. Otherwise, they start dancing.
They don't recognise the streets of the village. It's a maze.
Action : Climb on a building. Or always turn left.
Finally they find the town center.
Most people are crawling on the floor trying to dance.
They speak one by one telling a poem.
The poem means : Your heroes came to me, trying to stop me. But the only reason I let you do that is because I want to steal or corrupt you flame.
Now that you are in my kindgdom, you protector won't help you.
The shade of a skeleton playing psaltery appears and disappears in the crowd.
From time to time and dancer grabs them. They seem to be dacing according to the tune.
There's a black rain, and it damages their white flames. Their qualities are deactivated one by one.
The player who has a black flame feel better and better. He feels he's going to go crazy.
Action : One of the dancers mimics a violin. When they kill him, Oldaric appears in his true form.
A skeleton wiht a Psaltery.
Action : Either the players have a quality Combat (Duel) or They need to find a smart way to kill him.
he dodges all their attacks.
Now they can see Oldaric as a squeleton and fight him.
SWITCH PART 1 AND 2 Whent hey wake up, they have some vomit at the mouth and they're still at the bourgmestre home, the skeletal psalterion is in front of them. But if they go where they met Oldaric they do see a squeleton dressed up. They are awaken by a Paladin. This paladin says he helped them kill Eugène. And he say he shoudl have destroyed the coin. WHY HE DIDN'T DO IT ?ILLUSTRATE MORE THE LIFE OF A PEASANT IN WHY HE DOESN'T STEAL IT FROM THE MIDDLE AGE PLAYERS ?

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