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549 bytes added, 12:49, 29 September 2019
Created page with "{{Character | CharacterName = Victor Van Der Bredt | Description = One big man with one hand replace by mechanic one | Feat0 = ⭐ Faith <!-- Faith is a free Feat. It is..."

| CharacterName = Victor Van Der Bredt

| Description =

One big man with one hand replace by mechanic one

| Feat0 = ⭐ Faith <!-- Faith is a free Feat. It is recommended to have it.-->

| Feat1 = Alchemist

| Feat2 = Immune

| Feat3 = Reputation

| Feat4 = Combat (skirmish)

| Feat5 = Knowledge (apothecary)

| Feat6 = Knowledge (medicine)

| Inventory =
1 relic ring with a big ametist

<!-- No need to fill the "Summary:" Field below. It's basically useless in a character sheet, but there's no way to hide it... -->
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