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Danse Macabre Part 7

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XXvs 15 000 troupes côté Edward III
XXils font passer un objet sacré avant la bataille pour les gens l'embrassent
XXles chervaliers portent un foulard ou un grant de leur dame
XXmédailles de saints protecteurs
XXp398-399 description chevalier et archers anglais
XXconnétable de france avec eux - décrire son blason
XX''' les joueurs doivent choisir leur stratégie, ils sont un petit contingeant d'hommes. Ils peuvent se mettre où ilest veulent.'''
XXLe bon choix est de se mettre en haut de la porte ou sur les murailles et flèches, sinon bouclier prêt à l'interception
XXLe pont n'est pas levi
XX'''There's one cowardly noble who doesn't want to go, they have to convince him to stay.''' Charisma or deus vult or whatever.
==The defense of Saint-Peter Bridge : X min==
Lose X mercenaries and Y iconic.
XX3-Battle on the bridge
XXRichard Talbot et les comtes de Warwick et de Northampton devaient mener l'assaut, mais il semble qu'ils aient eu peu de contrôle XXsur les troupes qu'ils dirigeaient. Les fantassins, impatients d'en découdre, anticipèrent les ordres et se ruèrent sur les ponts XXavant que la force d'assaut soit totalement mise en place. Constatant que ses troupes l'avaient devancé, le roi sonna la retraite, XXmais son appel fut ignoré.
XX-Il sonne la retraiteUne XXUne troupe d'archers munis d'arc long anglais et des lanciers gallois pataugèrent dans l'eau de la rivière à demi asséchée par l'été, alors que d'autres soldats s'emparèrent de bateaux qui avaient été oubliés par la défense de la ville lors du redéploiement précipité de ses troupes.  XX'''Combat (battle)''' XXVictoire française
====Choice 3 : Jump to troops below and try to rush through for the castle====
Lose X mercenaries and Y iconic.
XX4-The gate ?
XXLes Anglais pénétrèrent dans l'île Saint-Jean et attaquèrent le pont Saint-Pierre à revers pour provoquer ainsi l'effondrement de la défense de la cité.
XXThe players are stuck in the gate. They have to fortidy it as much as they can. The connétable and lots of nobles are there as well with them.
XXX'''First door : X min''', there is a ram. They can use bodies of dead soldiers to gain time +X min or furniture +X/2 min
XX'''Second door : X min''', the english hack it with axes, if they still have the furniture +Xmin or the corpses +X/2min or anything else that makes sense
XX'''They have to find a solution to get some nobles to safety, by the window there are some horses there'''
XX-des officiers français s'enfuient et vont au chateau proche. They run away on horse. The connétable choses to stay behind.
XXThe players run away also.
==To the Castle ! : X min==
===Choice : How to leave the city safely ?XXXX===
Because riders charge anyone trying to leaveand pursue them in the countryside.
And the soldiers massacre people in the city. (half the population)
====Choice 3 : Dress like EnglishXXX====
XX6-Charniers and weird orgies by some mercenaries
XX-as well as killing approximately half the town's populatio ???
XX-Some people fled into the countryside, pursued by cavalry.
XX'''How XXWhen they listen, "Knight" is captured by "The Devil", the players have to survive ? Running is too dangerous : Take clothes of English soldiers''' try to help him. They recognise his crest.
XX-Edouard III se receuille devant la tombe de Guillaume le conquérant When they listen, "Knight" is captured by "The Devil", the players have to try to help him. They recognise his crest. '''How to find where he has been ? They can remember his crest and search for it in the english camp''' As they come close, they are spotted by a pagean. '''How to silence him ?''' In the distance they seen an orgy of druken rape.XXThe "Devil" is playing chess against "Knight" he looses, so he is slaughetred with all his troops.  ==(OPTIONAL) The Liberation of Caen : X min(OPTIONAL)==
XXX : Remove the liberation of Caen !!! Make a buildup until Crécy. Liberation not relevant ?
====Choice 3 : Make a group without leader====
Bad choice
1-Liberation of Caen
'''All the crowd is gathered in the main place, tehy have to make a speech'''
Once Caen is liberated, they try going north to Calais on the way they see the charnier of Crécy
=Part 2 Charnier at Crécy=
| 30min = They notice some people hanged in the trees, it is a very dishonorable death because people shit themselves.
| 45min = (if they reached Crécy already) Terre souillée de sang, d'urine et d'écréments. XXX (if they didn't reach Crécy yet) They are attacked and need to retreat to Crécy.
| 60min = (if they reached Crécy already) Lines of people attached who were executed. The black prince executed all prisoners who couldn't pay a ransom. Alençon tué sous son cheval.
Then Jump to the next session.
XXXXCrécy est une surprise totale : tous le monde pense que ça serait une victoire XXles flèches percent les boucliers à Crécy XXFrench knights tipped with iron and approximately 4 metres (13 ft) longXXpits dug by the EnglishXXWounded horses fled across the hillside in panic la XXXla pluie abime les cordes en cheveux / en cuir ? arbalète corde cassée
XXXIt's a band of mercenaries that did it '''"La Margot"''' he says they are hundreds, there's no reason for them to investigate further,