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Danse Macabre Part 5

752 bytes added, 09:14, 25 January 2020
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Robert de Mandagout, the actual Deacon of Marseille is back in his city.
It's the 20 of Nov, it's been few weeks since the fire in the cathedral. Rumours start to spread of a curse, so he has to make a speech.
He summons the crowd in front of the Cathedral to make a speech.
The young lord of Marseille is there too Hugues IV des Baux de Marseille
* Historical themes :
=Part 1 The Rumours20 Nov - 7 Oct=
* '''Normal : XXXX'''
{{Ambiance Track
| 5min = The Bishop wakes up. Two doctors argue doctor says he has "'''ague'''", or "smallpox" ('''fièvre de ventre''', fièvre charbonneuse ou trousse-galant en français). His simptoms : Fever, bubon rouge et chaud sous l’aine les aisselles ou les genoux, le cou Tres soif.. Lots of sweat. Delirium and dellusions. He shit himself, smells bad.
| 15min = Bishop is cured. People complain because the market is clsoed today by viscount edict. Lots of people are angrily sent home.
| 30min = A person in the hospital or in the streets took his weapon and start fighting back the angel. His Symtoms : Pink Cough, black spots on fingers and neck. He attacks the doctors or the crowds.
| 45min = Apoticaires vendant des faux remèdes pour se protéger la fièvre de ventre.
| 60min = Someone rings the bell. Nachzehrer with black wings is going to eat us all. And he jumps from teh tower.
| 75min = Riche fuyant marseille déguisé en paysant en enfouissant des richesses dans des jarres d’huile d’olive
| 90min = FFFFinal scene with the riot of diseased people. Players roll 5-6 or are ill.
Final scene :
Ils embarrciadent et condamnent les maisons en secretjuste quelques patés de maisons. Ils transpercent les gens qui essaient de d'enfuir. Il ne les nourrissent pas pour qu'ils meurent plus vite.
Des gardes tuent un malade qui a réussi a sortir.
Puis c'est une émeute de gens qui s'enfuient.
=Part 2 The Plague7 Oct (10 death) - 20 Oct (150 death)=
* '''Normal : XXXX'''
| 5min = 5Sext bell. A player receives poison in one glass. He has one action. He need to decide to vomit. Otherwise stay feverish in bed.
| 10min = 10Sext bell. A player receives poison in one glass. He has one action. He need to decide to vomit. Otherwise stay feverish in bed.
| 15min = 15Sext bell. A player receives poison in one glass. He has one action. He need to decide to vomit. Otherwise stay feverish in bed.Day 2 - 30 death
| 20min = 20Someone locks players in a room by knocking down a piece of furniture, broken piece of furniture. When they go out, the bridges are sabotaged
| 30min = 30Sext bell. A player receives poison in one glass. He has one action. He need to decide to vomit. Otherwise stay feverish in bed.
The lord begs the players to help him in his fight against the disease, because his attempts have been unsuccessful.
It's been one month, they had one or two death per day. But yesterday they had 14
Few death here and there. 20 June-20 July
10d - 20 July
60d - 30 July
120 -10 Aout
550d - 20 Aout
3 courbes :
20 June - 20 July : Few death
7,5x increase 0 - 150 20 July - 13 Aug
85x 13-23 150 - 1000 13 Aug - 23 Aug
23 Aug - 13 Sept : Stagne 1000
13 Sept - 3 Oct : Chute du nombre de morts
Most rich houses are empty.
Les eglises ferment
Les cimetières sont staurés les cadavres sont jetés dans la rue
Leur but est d'éviter que la ville meure
Quartiers mis en quarrantaines
=Part 3 The Horror20 Oct (150 death per day) - 31 Oct Toussaint (1000 death per day) (fête des morts)=
* '''Normal : XXXX'''

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