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Danse Macabre Part 9

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- Explanations :
TODO ONCE THE SCENARIO IS FINISHED'''Roncelin de Fos is ''' was a holy templarpious and devoted Knight Templar, exemplifying the virtues of his order with unwavering faith and loyalty. There was nothing wrong, evil corrupt or unholy about ithim initially.
This His fate took a dark turn when he discovered a cursed scroll , which was taken from XXXa carbon copy of the golden inscriptions on the '''Pillars of Iram'''. These pillars contained the '''Apocryphon of Jannes''' inscribed in Hieratic, with translations in Nabataean Aramaic a language still understood in the Middle Ages.'''Jannes''', the first of Pharaoh's magicians, was known for opposing Moses with dark sorcery. He passed this knowledge to '''Jambres''', his successor in the form of a cursed book of magic and necromancy.
Then it went to YYY who became mad==Iram of the Pillars==
then ZZZ'''Iram of the Pillars''' was a legendary city, said to have been destroyed by God due to the hubris of its king, '''Shaddad bin Aad'''. The king used forbidden knowledge from the '''Apocryphon of Jannes''' to create the '''Philosopher's Stone''' and adorn his city with gold. This act of arrogance led to divine punishment, and the city was buried under the sands. The king was entombed within a statue in the ruins of his once-great city.
==The Assassins didn’t wanted the scroll to find int he wreong handsCursed Scroll==
In A Templar from the meantime there’s family of '''Barral des Baux''' discovered the lost city of Iram. He made carbon copies of the inscriptions from the pillars onto a power struggle between scroll. He also took the Emperor and hand of the Pope in king from the Holy Roman Empire, known as statue. The scroll contained a part of the fight between Guefles and Gibelins, naturally '''Apocryphon of Jannes''' that was inscribed on the Templars should be on pillars. The scroll included the side original version of the Pope'''Emerald Tablet''', but desperate which detailed the process to learn more about create the templar who found the scroll, Roncelin is caught in this warPhilosopher's Stone.
Where he will make his allies and create Exposure to the sercret temple, because they feel that they are scroll drove the biggest army of the church so it’s about time they get their independnce, a bit like the teutonic knight who have their own landTemplar insane.
Explain the egyptian writing, then Iram, then the statue, then the scroll and how it landed in the dark templar==The Assassins's hands.Involvement==
The local sect of '''Assassins''' learned of the scroll and its corrupting influence. Aware of the madness it induced, they stole it with the intent to destroy it. However, some of them also succumbed to its madness.
- Unsolved mysteries :*XXXX What was the black goo ?*XXXX==Roncelin's Descent into Madness==
When '''Roncelin de Fos''' found the scroll, he too began to fall under its dark influence. At the same time, the Christian world was embroiled in a power struggle between the '''Guelphs''' (supporters of the Pope) and the '''Ghibellines''' (supporters of the Holy Roman Emperor). Traditionally, the Templars sided with the Pope as they depended on him, but with the papacy weakening and the Order's power growing, Roncelin saw an opportunity. Driven by his obsession with the scroll and the knowledge it promised, Roncelin conceived the idea of forming a secret society within the Templars—the '''Secretum Templi'''. His goal was to establish an independent Templar state, free from papal control, similar to what the '''Teutonic Knights''' had achieved. ==The Bone Artifacts and the Conspiracy== Roncelin gathered like-minded Templars and formed the Secretum Templi. Each member received a piece of bone from the hand of the King of Iram, fashioned into a personal seal and concealed within various objects—a sword, a coin, a chess piece, and so on. These bone artifacts served as symbols of their commitment and as tools for secret communication. Upon their deaths, their own bones would be crafted into new bone objects containing the seals, ensuring the continuity of their clandestine order. Roncelin swore to rediscover the Pillars of Iram and unlock the secrets needed to make the Philosopher's Stone. ==Re-living the Plagues of Egypt== As those involved delved deeper into the scroll's secrets, they began to experience events mirroring the Plagues of Egypt—blood, frogs, lice, death of livestock, boils, darkness, and more. These events symbolized the trials faced by the Pharaoh's magicians in the Bible, underscoring the cursed nature of the knowledge they pursued. ==The Final Transcription== At the culmination of his quest, Roncelin returned to the ruins of Iram. Using the bones of the King of Iram, he crafted the cover of a new book. He meticulously copied the entirety of the Aramaic version of the '''Apocryphon of Jannes''' into this book, solidifying the foundation of the Secretum Templi conspiracy. This is how the bone artifacts were created and how the Secretum Templi conspiracy began. - Unsolved Mysteries: *What was the Black liquid on the statue?: An enigmatic substance possibly linked to the Philosopher's Stone, its true nature and origin remain unknown. - Historical themes Themes: *XXXConflict Between Guelphs and Ghibellines: The struggle between papal authority and imperial power reflects the era's political turmoil.*XXXThe Perils of Forbidden Knowledge:** The pursuit of alchemy and the Philosopher's Stone illustrates the dangers inherent in seeking arcane secrets.- **Formation of Secret Societies:*XXX* The Secretum Templi exemplifies how clandestine groups can emerge within established institutions.- **Divine Retribution for Hubris:**XXXThe fall of Iram underscores the consequences of human arrogance and defiance of divine will.

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