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Danse Macabre Part 9

95 bytes removed, 25 August
Barral accepted to help, but only if Roncelin helps him in return to defeat his current enemies.
Barral explains that the Guelfes are his mortal enemies, they have been stealing all of his estate since he is a stanch supporter of the Gibelin, to those who in case your players don’t know, explain that the Guelfes are those in support of the Pope and the Gibelins are those in support of the Emperor, the two main powers of the holy roman empire.
Since the “true faith” was rejected by the church, the Count of Toulouse lost a lot of land to the House of France and was excommunicated, he had to personally go barefoot kneeling in front of the gate of Notre-Dame and make an oath to obey the church and carry the cross in order to get his excommunication revoked. And he was just excommunicated AGAIN in last year in August, so now he will reconquer his land and Barral is his Senechal.
Of course by default the templars are Guelfes especially in the Comtat Venaissin which belongs to the pope, but it’s up to Roncelin to sway them in direction of the Gibelins.
Explain to the players about Guelfes and Gibelins if they do not already know what this historical fight is about.
===The Secretum Templi===

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