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Danse Macabre Part 9

69 bytes added, 25 August
Part 2 Of Guelfes and Gibelins
The whole crew was haunted by what they had read and sleep was very scarce.
During the long voyage, Roncelin seemed obsessed with the skeletal hand.
He spends hours and hours locked in his room making strange drawings and carving things on the hand.
Once you surprise him and quickly see that he is drawing lots of characters and lots of skeletons.
He speaks to himself A LOT.
As soon as he arrived in Provence, he spent two entire days going from shops to shops and spending a fortune in different craftmans. He made very substancial order at lots of shops, you don’t know what, but he insisting on meeting with the very best blacksmiths, jewelers of the whole region.
As they met Barral, he explains that he never saw this scroll and this is not his seal but indeed it looks like it because it is one of his distant relatives.
In the process Barral lost all his lands, but now with the help of an envoy from the emperor himself he intends to get his lands back. And to hell with excommunication.
'''TODO : Add before'''
During the long voyage, Roncelin seemed obsessed with the skeletal hand.
He spends hours and hours locked in his room making strange drawings and carving things on the hand.
Once you surprise him and quickly see that he is drawing lots of characters and lots of skeletons.
He speaks to himself A LOT.
As soon as he arrived in Provence, he spent two entire days going from shops to shops and spending a fortune in different craftmans. He made ver substancial order at lots of shops, you don’t know what.
The Comtat Venaissin is under strong Templar influence. That’s why Barral need Roncelin’s help.

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