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Danse Macabre Part 9

2,268 bytes added, 14 August
Part 1 Of Templars and Assassins
| 75min = XXXXX
| 90min = XXXXXTODO : Caravanes marchandes Muslim jewels and hand patterns Roman and/or GReek building ??? Some medieval dishes and drinks form islamisc, some fruits from the middle east, like pomegrenade and dates Christianlocals look exactly like muslim locals, they have been here for centuries Coups de soleils découverte pour les joueurs from the age of twelve to twenty years with Courage Bains et hygiène Falconry, street animals Pilgrims from chirstendom respected by the locals lots of foreign ships buying stuff The note was pinned to his pillow with a dagger, with someone planted in his entourage The coins are minted by Christians but are in Arabic
- '''Music Normal : XXXXXTODO ISLAMIC NOT TOO CREEPY MUSIC''' ===The Dead Caravan=== Led by Roncelin de Fos, the players have been chasing a group of bandits that attacked several caravans in the region. With the blessings of the Amir of Homs, they have been chasing them for days deep inside the desert in Muslim territory. Despite their differences, Crusaders and Muslims could agree on chasing bandits. After days of chasing, in the distance they see some dead camels and bedoin corpses.   How to find the bandits they are chasing ? There is some strong wind blowing so traces disappeared completely. Action : Search the caravan / check if anyone is alive. One of the bedoins is still alive. He explained that they We were attacked, by shaitans, evil jinns. One of them had a crown, like an evil king.Probably Iblis himself. They are headed for the Al-Qaryatayn Oasis. '''One of the Templar Sergents drink from one of the waterskins found on the caravan, and it contains blood instead of water. All of their waterskins were contaminated with blood. To make sure they can't drink it in case they are still alive.''' Some merchants of Al-Qaryatayn paid the Templars for protection and safe passage. So they have to help.  ===The Pillagers=== As they arrive near the village, night is falling and they see flames in village.
===1They hear a fight between the villagers and the pillagers, they seem to be Christians and scream in French.1===
'''Near the Oasis as the fight goes on, they see lots of small eyes. For some reasons there are lots of frogs here, which is strange. They seem to stare at them.'''
=Part 2 of Guelfes and Gibelins=

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