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Grand Scheme

3,049 bytes added, 7 July
Created page with "{{Feats | Synonyms = Master Plan, Destiny, Great Conspiracy, Prophecy | Prowess? = Yes | Prowess Prerequisites = Clairvoyance or Revelation or Puppet Master or S..."
| Synonyms = Master Plan, Destiny, Great Conspiracy, Prophecy
| Prowess? = Yes
| Prowess Prerequisites = [[Clairvoyance]] or [[Revelation]] or [[Puppet Master]] or [[Spy Network]]
| Official? = Yes
| Archetype? = No
| Description =

You have mastered the art of deep contemplation and strategic planning, setting aside time to immerse yourself in profound thought and analysis. By isolating yourself for 24 hours, delving into ancient tomes, indulging in mind-altering substances, or practicing divination, you gain unparalleled insight into your objectives.

After this 24-hour period of isolation and immersion, you experience a powerful revelation. This epiphany provides you with a clear vision or detailed understanding of the next step necessary to achieve your goal and advance your plans, providing guidance and clarity that might otherwise remain elusive.


<!-- Fill the fields above to create your Feat, Archetype or Prowess. Once created, it will be Unofficial at first.
But don't worry :-)
After a quick review by the Prima Team and few modifications, it can be made Official.
Make sure to monitor the "Discussion" part of this Article to see eventual comments made by the review team.
To do that, please create an account and select "Watch this page" while editing this Feat.

Advices on creating Feats :

A Feat is a massive advantage granted to the finest of the finest after a life of training. Most normal people don't have Feats at all.
A person with the Agile Feat, is qualified to be in the Olympics (not win, but at least participate)
A person with the Rich Feat is the richest man in his city.

While creating a Feat, make sure with your Game Master that there is no other Feat that would be Synonym (e.g. would have the same final game effect). If yes, add it as a Synonym rather than create a new Feat.

For example, Courage is a synonym of Fanatism, not because they are the same concept, but because they have a similar in game effect.

And finally, make sure that the Feat is useful but not too useful, this depends on the scenarios and campaign you're playing.

Advices on creating Archetypes :

A typical archetype is either :
One Feat imposed and one to be chosen in a list
A disadvantage that grants two feats freely chosen plus one Miracle.

The goal of an Archetype is to guide a new player on how to create a very cool and coherent character.

Advices on creating Prowesses :

A Prowess can only be used once per scenario and allows the character to do a special action.

A Prowess is a type of non-visual spell. It is possible only if there is an explanation to the limit of the scientifically plausible and it is up to the player to justify it with the game master before using his prowess.

For example, it is humanly impossible to heal someone who has been decapitated, but it is not impossible to treat someone who's throat have been slit. It is very difficult, very rare, but scientifically plausible.

Unlike normal Feats, a character can acquire the same Prowess several times.


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