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Danse Macabre Part 7

4 bytes removed, 17:05, 26 February 2022
Red Hell
There are runes written everywhere in bright red. Especially on people.
Someone naked enters the room with an Arbalest. It's One of the previous player charactersiconics.
For some reason he is screaming and putting his hand on his neck (where he was bitten)
'''Action : What to do against an Arbalest ? Reflexes can work. Otherwise one player is shot.'''
There are runes written everywhere in glowing red.
Another of the previous characters or an iconic (it has to be priest) is attached upside down on a cross.
His belly is open and his guts are showing, but he is still alive.
She has one weird gauntlet. Is has sharp claws and a spike in the middle. The spike is attached to a syringe and a long tube.
She threatens to kill the priestguy.
She says if you move I kill him. She has sharp claws at his neck.
She is drinking blood from the chalice. Sitting on the altar.
The ground is covered in crosses.
'''Up to them to kill her in any way they want. If they can or not save the Priestperson, (or Heal him) it's better if they do.
He tell them a useful information. He explains about the pump and the flute.'''
A huge person will smash the altar from behind and behint it
Behind the altar is a room compeltely red filled with blood. In the shape of an egg. (it is the blood reservoir)
In a torrent of blood, a huge person with a goat head masks Combat (monster) arises.(it's also an iconic, but they don't know that)
He has a massive trident.
XXXXXXScène finale beaucoup de sang se reprends dans la salleXXXXXX

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