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Danse Macabre Part 7

1,023 bytes added, 21:17, 5 September 2021
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| 15min =
They see one French horse who ran away wounded.The horse has no armors !
| 30min = They notice some people hanged in the trees, it is a very dishonorable deathbecause people shit themselves.| 45min = XX(if they reached Crécy already) Terre souillée de sang, d'urine et d'écréments. (if they didn't reach Crécy yet) They are attacked and need to retreat to Crécy.
| 60min = XX(if they reached Crécy already) Lines of people attached who were executed. The black prince executed all prisoners who couldn't pay a ransom. Alençon tué sous son cheval.
| 75min = XXThey find a satchel full of ready to sign church "pardons". Those things sell well in times of war.
| 90min = They are attacked by some English soldiers and they capture one who tells them to go to calais. They lose X iconic Y troops unless they have the right combat skill.
Seguin III de Badefol
Nom de sa compagnie : La Margot
Parler des grandes compagnies.
Armoiries de satan :

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