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Danse Macabre Part 7

1,568 bytes added, 13:09, 5 June 2021
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connétable de france avec eux - décrire son blason
les joueurs doivent choisir leur stratégie, ils sont un petit contingeant d'hommes.
Ils peuvent se mettre où ilest veulent.'''
Le bon choix est de se mettre en haut de la porte ou sur les murailles et flèches, sinon bouclier prêt à l'interception
Le pont n'est pas levi
'''There's one cowardly noble who doesn't want to go, they have to convince him to stay.''' Charisma or deus vult or whatever.
Une troupe d'archers munis d'arc long anglais et des lanciers gallois pataugèrent dans l'eau de la rivière à demi asséchée par l'été, alors que d'autres soldats s'emparèrent de bateaux qui avaient été oubliés par la défense de la ville lors du redéploiement précipité de ses troupes.
'''Combat (battle) or Combat (skirmish)'''
allusion aux flammes blanches dans la bataille
les nobles anglais parlent français
'''Combat (skirmish) to save the lady'''
les anglais sont fascinés par l'architecture française -At this time it was larger than any English town other than London
When they listen, "Knight" is captured by "The Devil", the players have to try to help him. They recognise his crest.
'''How to find where he has been ?They can remember his crest and search for it in the english camp'''
Lots of corpses are found emptied of their blood attached to trees.
Once the english king leaves, soon after Caen is liberated by it's population.
'''All the crowd is gathered in the main place, tehy have to make a speech'''
there's a tower with tons of corpses, nobody wants to go there.
inside is a massive English solider
'''Combat (duel) or just burn the building.'''
Once Caen is liberated, they try going north to Calais on the way they see the charnier of Crécy
2-Road north
How to prevent Dysentry ?
'''How not to starve because all villages are pillaged on the way ?   XXX July 1346 Caen''' Rich or Well Conencted or some social skills can help. Survival also. Read some more lines
3-'''Knight errand'''
croissant sur les armoiries pour dire que c'est un cadet et pas l'héritier
une chevalier dit qu'il n'existe point de meilleure dame que sa dame et défi en duel quiconque le contredit,
des chevaliers attendent au carrefour pour déclencher des duels
'''Combat (duel)'''
43-How to cross the Seine ?
'''utiliser des cordes pour traverser un fleuve''' '''There's one soldier who falls in the river, how to save him'''
Jean Ier de Luxembourg, aveugle, qui charge entouré de ses gens sur son cheval lié par la bride à ceux de sa maison
Next to him they see a weird death, like vampire, their goal is to follow this trail
weird death, like vampire.
Lots of corpses are found emptied of their blood attached to trees. Not just French, English too
It's a band of mercenaries that did it "La Margot"
They have '''Next to him they see a weird death, like vampire, their goal is to follow this trail : How to investigate ?? Something Actually one of them is still alive'''It's a band of mercenaries that did it '''"La Margot"''' he says they are hundreds, there's no reason for them to do with investigate further, he explains them where the Charnier ?army is headed. 
6-Avoid an ambush ??
They try to join the army at Calais. The english are preparing the siege, so that's ok. Alternatively they can pass by boatThey see thousands of people leaving the city.
XXXXAs they approach the city, they are getting embushed by rogue soldiers who steal the money from the fleeing population.
They are in a crow and the whole crow is getting robed. '''Either they fight or start a riot or run.'''
They are caught and they die there.
Talk about canons.
XXX July 1346 Calais. We have been hired to keep some digtinity and order.
1-They heard of a black market for food and have to dismantle it. They know the location.
acculés par la famine aux dernières extrémités, obligés de manger les animaux les plus infâmes, des ordures ou des cuirs bouillis6.
puis décida de bloquer l’entrée du chenal avec des obstacles de toute nature (notamment en y faisant couler des bateaux et des charrues)
'''Up to them to come up with a decent plan on how to caputyre as many resellers as possible.'''
All kinds of horrible meats.
Talk about canonsOne of the sellers was buying corpses, but only very fresh ones and with no wounds. Only if they died of starvation.When they open the shop, they see lots of corpses upside down and emptied of blood. 2-They find some corpses emptied of blood. They have to investigate.They can ask for "La Margot", or they can search for an area of the city where there are no more beggars, or they can use underground knowledge or things like that. Anyting else that makes sense. 3-They arrive in the evil place.
1-They find some corpses emptied of blood.They have to investigateare greeted by a vampire saying that the master is waiting for them.
XXX July 1346 Calais. Final page of the journal.
Fun fact :
acculés par la famine aux dernières extrémités, obligés de manger les animaux les plus infâmes, des ordures ou des cuirs bouillis6.
puis décida de bloquer l’entrée du chenal avec des obstacles de toute nature (notamment en y faisant couler des bateaux et des charrues)
Bourgeois de calais
approvisionnements par mer principalement menés par le corsaire Jean Marant et la flotte génoise.
34-Fast forward to todayThe inquisitors are in the plague ridden calais and travel to Calais as soon as they can.'''How to find the last messages from those soldiers or the last remaining survivor.evil place : some kind of riddle to explain where it is''' 5-Red Hell
And they decide to enter the guts of calais
They find "Knight" who was harvesting blood for Rubedo.
In rubedo he opens all the casquets of blood.
Endroit approprié poru un vampire. Palais ? Bain romain ? Eglise ?
-Le connétable sera éxécuté à son retour
-Narrer ce que La Margot fera dans le futur

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