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Danse Macabre Part 6

1,355 bytes removed, 11:36, 14 February 2021
Part 3 The Labyrinth of Paper
{{Ambiance Track
| 5min = They hear the crying voice of the Pope.
"Alas, I have to lead They realise that they are in a HUGE maze of books. Bigger than a city. Books as far as the dance, Should I go first, I who am the very incarnation of God?"eye can see.
"Hélas! Faut-il que je mène la danse,
Que j'aille le premier, moi qui suis l'incarnation même de Dieu?"
They look around, impossible to tell where the voice come from, they realise that they are in a HUGE maze of books. Bigger than a city. Books as far as the eye can see.| 15min =
They see a pendent with a huge dog teeth, relic of "Saint Christopher" a Relic lost to mankind, because St Christopher is a man dog and he church doesn' accept that. They can take it if they want. (but then the player needs to take the Feat "Relic" and Prowess "Enrage (self)" or "Tracker")
| 15min 30min = They hear the crying voice of the Pope.
"I was the highest authority In the church and Saint Peter; But Death came to get me like all the others."XX
"J'ai eu la plus haute dignité En l'église, comme saint Pierre; Mais la Mort vient me quérir comme tous les autres." They see a HUGE scroll with written on it : "The Trial of the Templars". Next to it they see a pendent with a huge dog teeth, relic of "Saint Christopher" a Relic lost to mankind, because St Christopher is a man dog and he church doesn' accept that. They can take it if they want. (but then the player needs to take the Feat "Relic" and Prowess "Enrage (self)" or "Tracker") | 30min = They hear the crying voice of the Pope.  "I don't care about dying yet, But Death is at war with everyone. Honour, which passes so quickly, is worth little!"  "Je ne me soucie pas encore de mourir, Mais la Mort fait la guerre à tous. Il vaut peu, l'honneur qui passe si vite!" There's a corpse in the archives, in a cage. He is intact didn't even decay. | 45min = There's a Huge book that falls on a random player, he is "Wounded" this book's title is : Biblical apocryphaXX| 60min = There's a dried corpse a very weird creature that looks like an imp (actually it's a fake). Anyone without "Courage" who see it roll 1 or 2 and they go "Insane"XX| 75min = A complete bookshelf is pushed on the players, anyone with a 1 or 2 is "Wounded". XX
| 90min = They finally catchup with the Pope. But a random player is stabbed in the heart by the Pagan demon, instant death.
"Antichrist, Antichrist, Antichrist, Antichrist, Antichrist"
They see the sevred severed head of "Ange Clareno" one of the Fratricelli (they accused John XXII to be the antichrist)They could swear they saw it talkand it didn't decay at all.
They realise that behind the shelf there's a secret walled section.

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