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Danse Macabre Part 6

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Intro - Archivum Secretum Apostolicum Avenionensium
*Liber Juratus Honorii (Sworn Book of Honorius) (magie)
*Sepher Raziel HaMalakh (The Book of Raziel the Archangel)
*Ghayat al-Hakim (The Aim of the Sage)
*Summa sacre magice
*Emerald Tablet
*Ars Notoria Sive Flores Aurei*Liber de compositione alchimiae(magic)
*De mineralibus
*Opus maius (Roger Bacon)
*Ars Magna (Ramon LLul)
*Books from Jabir Hayyan
*Le livre d'abraham le juif (livre donné à Nicolas Flamel)

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