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The Pope is supportive, but he still deserves an explanation.
Description of the palace of the Pope :
On ne saurait concevoir un ensemble plus beau dans sa simplicité, plus grandiose dans sa conception. C'est bien la papauté tout entière, debout, sublime, immortelle, étendant son ombre majestueuse sur le fleuve des nations et des siècles qui roule à ses pieds.
The players pass by a massive gate, lots of people amassed at the entrance, but the guards don't let anybody in because of the plague.
The players are greeted by the doctor of the Pope "Guy de Chauliac"
He forbids the players from approaching the pope, he meet them in front of his chambers and they talk through a door. With perfume being burned in the whole room.He Guy de Chauliac explains the relation between the current outbreak and the Justinian Plague.
He opens the door and has a letter in his hand.
The Cardinal is here too in a corner.
'''Music : The Ringed City - Dark Souls III'''
Christendom is torn by god's wrath, countless people are dying in the streets of Marseilles every day and the masses are hungry for answers.
You belong to the most holy inquisition and have to live up to its name.
I have received this letter, signed by the Cardinal Élie de Nabinal accusing you of the murder of Agout Louis des Baux with the complicity of Hugues des Baux and demanding your immediate excommunication.
I have no time for such matters, you have a week to find a solution or be excommunicated.
La chrétienté est déchirée par le fléau de Dieu, d'innombrables personnes meurent chaque jour dans les rues de Marseille et le peuple demande des réponses.
Vous faites partie de la très sainte inquisition et vous devez être à la hauteur de son nom.
J'ai reçu cette lettre, signée par le cardinal Élie de Nabinalici présent, vous accusant du meurtre de l'Agout Louis des Baux avec la complicité de Hugues des Baux et demandant votre excommunication immédiate.
Je n'ai pas le temps de m'occuper de ces questions, vous avez une semaine pour trouver une solution ou être excommunié.
The Cardinal says :
It is all true Most Holy Father, I saw them with my own eyes commit this henious crime in a church in Marseilles.
C'est exacte Très Saint-Père, je les ais vu de mes yeux commetre cette acte audieux dans une des églises de Marseilles.
The Cardinal seems very uncomfortable.
The players have just one sentence to say before the pope goes back to his room.
Here they can use some Feats if they have to demonstrate that they are innocent. They have this one chance.
The players should find a way out of the accusation.
Either using a skill, or using proof.
What proof do they have ?
Cardinal de Nabinal wasn’t even in Marseilles at the time. But right now they can’t prove it.
Either they use a skill right now, or they have to prove their innocence in the coming section.
=Part 1 Intrigue in Avignon=
* '''Normal : Z_Normal-Commanderie TemplièrePalais des Papes'''
{{Ambiance Track
==Accused of Murder==
After the audience, the cardinal looks terrified. The players have to find a way to prove their innocence.
==Reasoning with the cardinal==
Otherwise they have to search the past of Elie de Nabinal where they see that Jean XXII gave him the title of "Master" in 1331 because of his fight against Fraticelli in Carcasonne.
If they ask to check the records from that trial. They are told that the records disappeared.! Some documents disappeared ! This is unacceptable !
==Assasination attempt==
'''Music : XenogearsZenoParadoxLightfromtheNetherworldsEBison then Z_Baston-Le diable est dans la boite'''
The same night an assasin come through a secret passage, even the pope wasn't aware of this secret passage.
Fight in the night.
Two Assasins attack the players. They are in armor with a steel helmet that looks like a human face with a Mitre. Two players need to have '''Combat (duel)''' to defeat both of them.
If one or two of them aren't defeated, they stab one or two random players with a poisoned dagger.
'''Immune (poison)''' or death for the player in question.
Élie de Nabinal is assassinated on that night 12th of January. He dies of the plague. (The players can’t prove he was assassinated)