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Synonyms: Repentance, Absolution, Penitence, Mortification, Atonement, Contrition

Special: Prowess

Confession is a Prowess, this special kind of Feat is an action that can only be done once per scenario.

To acquire it, you need to already have another Feat related to it, for example : Faith

Your Game Master may accept to waive such prerequisites if your background or in game actions justify it.


Confession can only be used once every three scenarios. If you used it at Scenario 1, you cannot use it at Scenario 2 or 3, but you can use it at Scenario 4. Mark it as Confession (exhausted) and write down next to it (Scenario X) with X being the Scenario at which it was used. Unlike other Feats, Confession can be acquired several times.


The character dedicates several hours to deep spiritual practice, either by confessing their sins to a priest, engaging in acts of self-mortification, or spending time in solemn reflection before a cross, immersed in religious devotion.

Through this extended period of spiritual communion with God, his Faith Feat is restored, as if two full scenarios have passed.