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Prima RPG β



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| Synonyms = Wildborn, Ranger, Trapper
| Prowess? = No
| Archetype? = Yes
| Description =
A The character with hunter as Archetype is a person who lives has spent a significant part of their life of hunting wild animalsin the wilderness, either honing their skills as a hunter sanctioned by or works for a lord or nobletracker, a wild persontrapper, or an unlicenced poacher living on the fringesbeast slayer.
The hunter gains By default, they gain the following perks:Feat [[Survival]].
Survival: If their background justifies it, they also gain the Hunter can gather most resources from the wilderness, including food, materials for crafting tools, traps and is able of creating a shelter[[⭐ Faith]] Feat.
Anatomy: A life time of dissecting animals for food and leather has allowed the player to Additionally, they gain insight to the anatomical structures one Feat of most animals and by extension, humans, when examining a corpse, the hunter can gain extra insight form it, dissected their choice from this list: *[[Falconry]]*[[Tracker]]*[[Marksmanship]]*[[Combat|Combat (skirmish or not. monster)]]*[[Stealth]]*[[Instinct]]*[[Agile]]*[[Hearing Acuity]]*[[Lay Traps]]*[[Knowledge (apothecary)]]*[[Background]]*[[Tough]]*[[Enrage]] (only on himself)
(Note: dissection of a dead person is considered a heretical practice in the ageUnless their background justifies it, and is closely associated with black magic) Apart from the above perks, the player can gain an extra perk from below: *Tracking *Trapper *Marksmanship (throwing) *Marksmanship character cannot take any [[Knowledge]] Feats except [[Knowledge (rangedapothecary*Stealth]].