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Prima RPG β


Danse Macabre Part 9

147 bytes removed, 25 August
Day ???
Action : Tent and water are the priority. Even more than food or anything else. In particular no weapons or armors.
If they don't take the right things roll three desert dice : All players roll a die 6, on a 1 they are either Drowsy or Wounded by the heat, their choice. If they are already both, they diepenalty is two rolls instead of one.
A long unending wind rises. It seems like a long slow laughter in the distance.
Action : They can actually cover their faces and walk blinded.
'''Day ??? (even if they succeeded previously) ??? : All players roll a die 6, on a 1 they are either Drowsy or Wounded by the heat, their choice. If they are already both, they die.'''
Roncelin laughs : “If you are the Son of God, command that these stones become loaves of bread.” and he seems to actually try to turn some sand to bread.