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Prima RPG β


Danse Macabre Part 9

219 bytes removed, 25 August
The Dark Templar
Action : Knowledge (heresy) : They understand that it is the lost city of Pillars.
There are sketches of the black hand with different names written in an ancient language.
Action : Knowledge (heresy) : '''TODO in which language is it written ? Whose name is it ?'''
It is really too risky to go there now, but if they agree to help Barral, he will use his political sway to get them safe conduit that deep inside enemy territorry.
'''**TODO : When they read the text, they understand that it is the secret to the philosopher’s stone and they have some kind of a proof of it using a dark feat.**'''
'''**TODO : Along with the scroll, there was a relic from an unknown person (it is actually the hand of Jannes or Jambres or the king of Iram, decide one more meaningful) this relic is a black clay hand, inside there’s a squeletal hand. The name is written on it but in a special language, special knowledge to know whom it is.**'''
'''**TODO : Make more references to this black squeletal hand.**'''
'''**TODO : At some point Roncelin is angry against the king figure who seem to chase him so he throws the black hand on the ground and the black clay breaks, revealing a skeletal hand inside.**'''