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Danse Macabre Part 9

191 bytes added, 25 August
Part 1 Of Templars and Assassins
He has a scroll case in one hand and a templar sword in the other, he wears a rusty Crusador chainmail.
His left hand is completely black and with claws. His left land is clutching the scroll.
He seems to laugh in a very deep and very slow voice.
Now that they see him closer, he seems to be a former Knight templar. His entire outfit is templar except his cloak and he made a weird crown with bits of wood on his helmet.
On him they find His left hand was cut (probably himself) and he has replaced it with a black clay hand. This black clay hand clutches a very strange scroll case.
This scroll tube is made of clay but covered in arabic writings, there's a strange broken lead seal on the scroll case.