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Danse Macabre Part 9

511 bytes added, 14 August
Part 2 of Guelfes and Gibelins
Now that they have more time to identify the seal, they realise that it’s the Seal of Barral 1er des Baux, so they decided to ask for his help, since Roncelin know him.
=Part 2 of Of Guelfes and Gibelins=
{{Ambiance Track
- '''Music Normal : Z_Normal-Commanderie Templière'''
===1.1The Dark Templar===
XXXXXThe book goes on to explain that the journey to meet Barral was very long and they lost many men on the road due to brigands, disease and the bad weather. The whole crew was haunted by what they had read and sleep was very scarce. As they met Barral, he explains that his seal was stolen and one of his cousins disappeared the same day, he never saw this scroll. Action : Ask more about the cousin. He explains that it was a distant relative, who lived in a small castle nearby, he brings them there.
=Part 3 The City of the Pillars=