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Danse Macabre Part 9

1,394 bytes added, 14 August
- Initial situation :
*Date : XXXX13th of October 1233*Location : XXXXXNear Tortose, County of Tripoli, Crusader States
'''Music : XXXXFarewell Hyrule King - The Legend of Zelda The Wind Waker then (loop) Chant of the Templars - Da Pacem Domine (Ensemble Organum)'''
XXXXXThe inquisition finally managed to decypher most of the archives of the ten crowns sect in Marseille that was found in the Des Beaux Castle. Amongst other, they found a diary written by Roncelin de Fos. For this whole episode, the players will play Templars under the orders of Roncelin de Fos in 1233 to 1242. They will obey and follow him for the whole scenario. They can keep 4 of their feats plus Faith. Warn the players that there will be some fighting, not a lot but some. Those who have Bone Artifacts are Knight Templars in this scenario and can keep 6 Feats plus Faith, the others are Templar Sergents (no noble) and can keep 4 of their feats plus Faith. Those who have the Kight Templar Feat also have 6 feats and play one of their ancestors. The book starts as such :   "I have resolved to pen a thorough account of the events that have transpired, so that future brethren of the Order may learn from my experiences. This record shall serve not only to preserve the extraordinary miracles I have witnessed but also to document the curse that has shadowed me ever since. It all began on this fateful day, the 13th of October 1233, in the desert near the city of Tortose in the County of Tripoli"
=Part 1 Of Templars and Assassins=