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Prima RPG β


Whispers of Madness

91 bytes added, 7 July
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You read the wrong tome.
The whispers began almost immediately, faint and incoherentat first, but with each passing moment, they grew louder, more insistent, filling your mind with a cacophony of madness. It's as if an unseen malevolent presence murmurs dark secrets in your ear. The book, now a cursed relic, is both your only refuge and your constant torment.
The terrible knowledge you absorbed from the forbidden text grants you unique insights and dark powers. However, this gift comes at a dire cost.
Additionally, you may use this Feat to emulate the effect of one of the following Feats :
*[[Grand Scheme]] (All the instructions are It is all in the tome ! It is all there Everything was foretold ! EVERYTHING !)
*[[Instill Madness]], your target is also instantly subject to [[Puppet Master]]
*Any other [[:Category:Dark Feats|Dark Feats]] in which case mark this Feat as [[Whispers of Madness (exhausted)]] and it cannot be used for the next scenario (mechanism similar to Faith).