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Prima RPG β


Danse Macabre Part 6

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Part 3 The Labyrinth of Paper
They see a pendent with a huge dog teeth, relic of "Saint Christopher" a Relic lost to mankind, because St Christopher is a man dog and he church doesn' accept that. They can take it if they want. (but then the player needs to take the Feat "Relic" and Prowess "Enrage (self)" or "Tracker")
| 30min = There's a lost librarian who lost his eyes, he has a reversed cross burned on his forehead and he run about speaking in tongue or speaking a foreign language, as if he lost his ability to speak latin
XX Khndrum yem ognir indz. Voreve meky karo՞gh e indz haskanal: Du indz haskanum yes ?Khndrum yem ognir indz. Yes satana tesa: Satanan ink’y: Na yekav indz mot, khosets’ indz het: Khndrum yem ognir indz. Satanan aystegh e: Satanan aystegh e: Satanan aystegh e: Satanan aystegh e:
'''Knowledge (heresy)''' he speaks in Aramaic. A lost language used in the bible. | 45min = XXThey smell very strong incense. Everyone rolls for poison. Anyone who fails has to speak in tongue until the end of the game (or a language that nobody in the group understands, that's ok too)| 60min = XXThere's the corpse of a librarian. His belly was clawed opened. With his blood, it drew a reversed cross of blood with the claws. There's no way a human could have done that.| 75min = XXThey smell very strong incense. Everyone rolls for poison. Anyone who fails has to speak in tongue until the end of the game (or a language that nobody in the group understands, that's ok too)From this point on, the floor is made of an insanely expensive red carpet (they didn't put it here, it was there all along), very clean except some bloody goat footsteps. There are very clean green torches regularly spaced.
| 90min = They finally catchup with the Pope. But a random player is stabbed in the heart by the Pagan demon, instant death.