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Prima RPG β



822 bytes added, 05:25, 25 October 2020
leveled up, changed archetype and slight feats
| Feats =
{{Feat| Lost FaithBourgeois}} <!-- Replace with your first featThis archetype Bourgeois are inhabitants of the bourgs, without having any nobiliary titles they have rights of citizenship in a given city and are rich owners of businesses. The bourgeoisie emerged as a historical and political phenomenon in the 11th century when the bourgs of Central and Western Europe developed into cities dedicated to commerce. This urban expansion was possible thanks to economic concentration due to the appearance of protective self-organisation into guilds. New Characters start with only one featGuilds arose when individual businessmen (such as craftsmen, we recommend (but it is not mandatoryartisans and merchants) that you chose an "Archetype" as you first Feat. For example : Knight is an archetypeconflicted with their rent-seeking feudal landlords who demanded greater rents than previously agreed. -->{{Free Feat| ⭐ Faith Knowledge (heresy) }} <!-- Faith is The character has a "free" feat, we encourage that you take it if your background justifies it. Read the description comprehensive knowledge of this Featheretical literature, it is VERY importantpractices and legends as well as foreign religions. --> CANNOT USE{{Free Feat| Knowledge (heresy) Charismatic}} <!-- Archetypes give you couple of free featsThe character has an "aura" that gives him some power over the masses. He may be remarkable, handsome, have a stature or an approach that commands respect, an eloquence that drives anyone to listen to him. No matter the true reason, its presence is always noticed, write them here and he will be more easily remembered than the common man. -->{{Free Feat| Trickster Manipulative}} <!-- Archetypes give you couple of free feats, write them here -->{{Free Feat| ⭐ Miracle }}{{Free Feat| Courage Photographic Memory}} <!-- Archetypes give you couple of free feats, write them here The character is able to remember images and sounds in every detail. He is able to invoke in his mind all his memories and scrutinize those scenes in every detail. -->
| Inventory =
<!-- Unless your character have some very special items, no need to fill this -->
*Heretic Ring(from last game)*Dagger(heretic)*BackpackEtc... Oils*Pen and paper
<!-- No need to fill the "Summary:" Field below. It's basically useless in a character sheet, but there's no way to hide it... -->
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