no edit summary
* Historical themes :
=Part 1 XXXXXXThe Panic=
* '''Normal : XXXX'''
{{Ambiance Track
| 5min = The Bishop wakes up. Two doctors argue doctor says he has "ague", or "smallpox" (fièvre de ventre, fièvre charbonneuse ou trousse-galant en français). His simptoms : Fever, bubon rouge et chaud sous l’aine les aisselles ou les genoux, le cou
Tres soif.. Lots of sweat. Delirium and dellusions. He shit himself, smells bad. | 15min = AAAApoticaires vendant des faux remèdes : Page 63 Le Fleau de dieu| 30min = BBBA person in the hospital took his weapon and start fighting back the angel. His Symtoms : Pink Cough, black spots on fingers and neck. He attacks the doctors.| 45min = CCCRiche fuyant marseille déguisé en paysant en enfouissant des richesses dans des jarres d’huile d’olive| 60min = DDDSomeone rings the bell. Nachzehrer
| 75min = EEEE
| 90min = FFF
The lord says that similar cases have appeared overnight. So he will be in charge of stopping the disease. But he asks the church to help him fight panic and prevent it.
If the players start to try to fight the disease, he will tell them to stop and focus on the panic.
part 1 fight the problems from the plague
Leur but est d'éviter la panique.
Final scene :
Ils embarrciadent et condamnent les maisons en secret. Ils transpercent les gens qui essaient de d'enfuir. Il ne les nourrissent pas pour qu'ils meurent plus vite.
Des gardes tuent un malade qui a réussi a sortir.Puis c'est une émeute de gens qui s'enfuient.
=Part 2 XXXXXXThe Plague=
* '''Normal : XXXX'''