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Prima RPG β


Danse Macabre Part 9

1,760 bytes added, 10 September
==Post Game Bonus==
TODO write better
List of personalities assasinated or tried to be assasinated by assasins, including the king of England and Saladin Saladin sleeping on top of a tower
Nothing is true, everything is permitted ! Not an accurate quote
Secret rules of the templars starts page 128, before that it’s just the intro
Roncelin de Fos secret rules of the templar, later the master in Tortous and Provence
Iram the city of Pillars, uncertainty of the location, based on the Wikipedia article it is mentioned on the Temple of Wadi Rum and this temple is from -100 BCE so we decide to locate it near Wadi Rum in -100 BCE although it’s not sure. Other theories place it at different places in different times, it’s a personal choice because medieval scholars could understand Aramaic but not Hieratic, so for the players to understand the translation it had to be this language.
There was indeed an Eclypse at that time on this place
The ten plagues of Egypt and the relation with the book or the Pharaoh’s magcians and their book
The city of pillars is where supposedly the Necronomicon was written
The Abraxas is real the secretum templi also
The reconquest of Raymond des Baux did happen and he was ecomunicated X times, he did say XXXX and the Malucène church was indeed excommunicated also
TODO : Read all the Notes one last time.