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Danse Macabre Part 9

3,014 bytes added, 14 August
Part 1 Of Templars and Assassins
===The attackAttack===
'''Music : (loop) Chant of the Templars - Da Pacem Domine (Ensemble Organum)'''
That's when the Assassins attack.
'''Music Battle : TODO which music during Access the fightAnimus (debut rapide) then Z_Batson-Brigands !'''
Some servants enter the room by force and scream : “Nothing is true, everything is permitted !”
Impossible to capture any of them, they either fled, died or suicided.
===The Trail===
Roncelin is furious that the scroll has been stolen ! He wants them found and how is it possible that some of their servants from several years have fought them !
How to find them ?
Have a player write down that from now on they have with them Roncelin with the feat “Knowledge” and they have Sergents with the feat “Guards !”
Action : What is the identity of those assasins ? 4 servants, 5 unknown who entered by Stealth
By asking the families of any of those, they see the families got much richer (it was customary for the assasins to pay the son in case the assasin is killed)
People who knew them from a long time are shocked
They were paid with a bag of Mongolian gold.
This is very strange, we are far far away from the Khannate.
Action : There’s only one merchant which has the protection from the Khan in Tartus (he has a Paiza) Or any other logical way to find the merchand, like Outlaw wisdom
(Actually he is in the employ of the assasins and using their influence he got his Paiza.)
He sells all sorts of goods, especially Carnelian Beads (perles de cornalines)
When they meet this merchant, he explains that he didn’t have choice, it was either help or die.
He accepts to lead them to their lair Old Man of the Mountain /Shaykh al-Jabal, the fortress in the mountain.
===On the way to the mountain===
As they climb up the mountain, a group of Syriac monks is attacked by Assasins.
Just by approaching, the Assassins run away.
Actually those monks are Assasins with the trickster feat. They follow the player for "protection".
After some time, they attack the merchant and kill him than disperse (unless the players don't let them follow them)
They don't put up a fight, they kill him then disperse.
“Nothing is true, everything is permitted !”
As he dies he says : The entrance is at this corner and dies, unless healed.
How to find the entrance of the hidden fortress ?
Action : Either they somehow saved the merchant or Any meaningful feat, otherwise it’s in a place where you don’t see the entrance by the road, if they climb they see the rest of the road. The entrance is only visible by an elevated angle.
As they climb the mountaint, one of the Templar sergents who accompanied them was actually an assasin trickster and he pushes one of the players to his death (chose a player who still has faith if possible)
And starts to laugh slowly in a very deep voice, then pushed the player.
(The sargeants were recruited from the local historical Christians (from before the crusades) Syriaques)
Action : Unless the players have a meanign feat to avoid it a player is gravely wounded.
===The Fortress in the Mountain===
'''Music : Z_Flippant - Dark World'''
As they open the door to the Fortress in the Mountain, thousands of flies fly out.
'''Detail : The Templar Chaplain complains : So many flies, it is uncanny'''
The fortress is empty but there's a terrible stench of death.
Dead Assassins everywhere.
=Part 2 of Guelfes and Gibelins=