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Prima RPG β


Whispers of Madness

109 bytes added, 7 July
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The terrible knowledge you absorbed from the forbidden text grants you unique insights and dark powers. However, this gift comes at a dire cost.
Once you gain this Feat, you may decide to also gain as a free Feat
You may use this Prowess to do one of the following : *Emulate the effect of [[Grand Scheme]] (It is all in the tome ! Everything was foretold ! EVERYTHING !)*Permanently gain [[⛧ Dark Faith]] and And /or those Or  Those three free feats Feats : ( [[Insane (permanent)]], [[Knowledge (heresy)]] and [[Polyglot]] ) ( You can chose to only Gain [[⛧ Dark Faith]] or to only gain the three Feats or both, or none, but you cannot choose to gain only be done once)[[Polyglot]] for example.  *Add 60 minutes Additionally, you may use this Prowess to emulate the current insanity timereffect of : *Emulate [[Grand Scheme]] (It is all in the effect of any tome ! Everything was foretold ! EVERYTHING !)*Any [[:Category:Dark Feats|Dark Feats]], in which case mark this Feat as [[Whispers of Madness (exhausted)]] and it cannot be used at the next scenario (mechanism similar to Faith).
List of [[:Category:Dark Feats|Dark Feats]] :