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{{Ambiance Track
| 5min = The Bishop wakes up. Two doctors argue doctor says he has "'''ague'''", or "smallpox" ('''fièvre de ventre''', fièvre charbonneuse ou trousse-galant en français). His simptoms : Fever, bubon rouge et chaud sous l’aine les aisselles ou les genoux, le cou
Tres soif.. Lots of sweat. Delirium and dellusions. He shit himself, smells bad.
| 15min = Apoticaires vendant des faux remèdes : Page 63 Le Fleau pour se protéger la fièvre de dieuventre.| 30min = A person in the hospital or in the streets took his weapon and start fighting back the angel. His Symtoms : Pink Cough, black spots on fingers and neck. He attacks the doctorsor the crowds.
| 45min = Riche fuyant marseille déguisé en paysant en enfouissant des richesses dans des jarres d’huile d’olive
| 60min = Someone rings the bell. Nachzehrer
If the players start to try to fight the disease, he will tell them to stop and focus on the panic.
Action : Organise a big mass to sanctify the lord or organise a fake miracle.
Useless Action : Make a Speech. People don't believe.
Final scene :
Folies, Orgies etc...
Prophète de l'apocallypse