Danse Macabre Part 4

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  • Initial situation :

Metaplot : An alchemist found "the book" This book explain how to summon demons and gain riches beyond imagination. It also explains where to find the other artifacts. "the book" gave the artifacts to lots fo people, including a noble to whom he gave "the sword" All artifacts bearers should make ritual deathsand ship them to Marseille. The point being to make the tower of Bones and summon the black plague. They succeed in 1347 The rest of the campaign is to try to kill "the book" and end the plague.

Theplot happens just before the black plague 1347 in Marseille brough by "marin genois"

Two artifacts : The Sword and the Book (scholar) the mask ??? The Chastellain is a cousin of a noble in Marseille. That's why he makes a shipment of corpses. He is paid hansomely for it.

"the Book" is an alchemist. He has a book made whose cover is made of bones He manipulates "the sword" and promise him reaches beyond imagination if he accomplishes a ritual. This ritual requires lots of sacrifices and teh construction of a chapel. The aim is to summon the black plague. -Masquerade -Missing ofrans (gilles de rai style) -Altar of madness -Burning of the Chateau Babon and one block, tower of bones inside. Players trapped. (Chateau Babon is the name of a castle that disappeared in Marseille !)

They will organise a Masquerade (Bal Masqué)

Bal des Ardents : https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bal_des_ardents tragic even where a charivari ended in a fire

The point of this masquerade is to gather all the representatives of the different objects. And have them inscribe on the golden Guestbook (live d'or) the position of the corpses they got. In exchange of which, they get their payment. (each gests leave with some gifts, some of which are full or gold or made of gold) The pages are torn as soon as they are inscribed (so it doesn't incriminate the chastelain directly)

The chastelain will hold a second marriage between whom ?

First part, a theater part, where the "monster" is introduced. Four people chained together and covered in burning materials

Second part. there is a charivari, with people dressed as beasts. They will burn and die. (part of mask's ritual to take deaths? Killed by their imagination ?)

XXXX Previously, the players have found an invitation for a Masquerade (Bal Masqué). There was a date, but no address on it. On the invitation, there is a drawing of the Saint Victor Abbaye in the background. https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abbaye_Saint-Victor_de_Marseille This is a hint that the ball will happen in Marseille. And indeed, a ball is organised there, near the docks.

  • Explanations :

  • Unsolved mysteries :

  • Historical themes :

Part 1 Danse Macabre

  • Normal : XXX

The players attend the Masquerade at the Chateau Borbon and understand what is happening. During the Masquerade, lots of artifact bearers are present. They come to pay their respects and receive their reward. Everyone receives presents, some of which are full of gold or made of gold. The inquisitors are allowed in, because they saw the invitation. They go to a fake masquera de at first, then find the actual masquerade and join it.

Ambiance track

  • 10min
  • 30min
  • 45min
  • 60min
  • 75min
  • 100min

Scenario Track

Part 2 Missing orphans

Too many Orphans are missing, they slowly find the source of the disappearances.


Part 3 Altar of madness

  • Normal :

Oldaric will trigger a dancing mania in the city : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dancing_mania Your goal is to find Oldaric

  • The First dancer : Prince of Darkness - Fire Emblem

The players discover the altar where "the sword" made his sacrifices. Now they have to escape.

Ambience Track

  • 15min
  • 30min
  • 45min
  • 60min
  • 75min
  • 100min Music :

Scenario Track

Part 4 The tower of bones

They find the tower of bones. Then a fire starts. At the end, a dark ship lands with the black plague onboard Italian sailors. (genois) Next scenario will be to try to kill "the sword"

Ambiance Track

Scenario Track


Epilogue musics :

  • Epique entre-scenart gagant 12-Pista de audio 12.mp3
  • Epique entre-scenart gagant 12-Pista de audio 12.mp3 (put it twice)
  • Fin epique glorieuse 06-Final
  • Then loop this Playlist Normal-Prima