Danse Macabre Part 9

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Send to the players before the game :

13th of October 1233 (Unknown Location, Arabian Desert)
Lost among pillars of sand,
The mad king’s wail his only friend.
A millennia-old evil stirs and wakes,
As the world descends into endless madness.
13 Octobre 1233 (Lieu Inconnu, Désert d'Arabie)
Perdu parmi les piliers de sable,
Avec le roi fou comme seul compagnon.
Un mal millénaire, endormi et redoutable,
Bientôt plongera le monde dans une folie sans fin.

Explanations - The Mad King

- Explanations :

- Unsolved mysteries :

  • XXXX
  • XXXX

- Historical themes :

  • XXX
  • XXX
  • XXX
  • XXX


- Initial situation :

  • Date : 13th of October 1233
  • Location : Near Tortose, County of Tripoli, Crusader States

Music : Farewell Hyrule King - The Legend of Zelda The Wind Waker then (loop) Chant of the Templars - Da Pacem Domine (Ensemble Organum)

The inquisition finally managed to decypher most of the archives of the ten crowns sect in Marseille that was found in the Des Beaux Castle.

Amongst other, they found a diary written by Roncelin de Fos.

For this whole episode, the players will play Templars under the orders of Roncelin de Fos in 1233 to 1242. They will obey and follow him for the whole scenario.

They can keep 4 of their feats plus Faith. Warn the players that there will be some fighting, not a lot but some.

Those who have Bone Artifacts are Knight Templars in this scenario and can keep 6 Feats plus Faith, the others are Templar Sergents (no noble) and can keep 4 of their feats plus Faith.

Those who have the Kight Templar Feat also have 6 feats and play one of their ancestors.

The book starts as such :

"I have resolved to pen a thorough account of the events that have transpired, so that future brethren of the Order may learn from my experiences. This record shall serve not only to preserve the extraordinary miracles I have witnessed but also to document the curse that has shadowed me ever since. 

It all began on this fateful day, the 13th of October 1233, in the desert near the city of Tortose in the County of Tripoli"

Part 1 Of Templars and Assassins

Ambiance Track
5 min XXXXX
15 min XXXXX
30 min XXXXX
60 min XXXXX
75 min XXXXX
90 min TODO : Caravanes marchandes

Muslim jewels and hand patterns

Roman and/or GReek building ???

Some medieval dishes and drinks form islamisc, some fruits from the middle east, like pomegrenade and dates

Christianlocals look exactly like muslim locals, they have been here for centuries

Coups de soleils découverte pour les joueurs

from the age of twelve to twenty years with Courage

Bains et hygiène

Falconry, street animals

Pilgrims from chirstendom respected by the locals

lots of foreign ships buying stuff

The note was pinned to his pillow with a dagger, with someone planted in his entourage

The coins are minted by Christians but are in Arabic



The Dead Caravan

Led by Roncelin de Fos, the players have been chasing a group of bandits that attacked several caravans in the region.

With the blessings of the Amir of Homs, they have been chasing them for days deep inside the desert in Muslim territory.

Despite their differences, Crusaders and Muslims could agree on chasing bandits.

After days of chasing, in the distance they see some dead camels and bedoin corpses.

Most of them have been burned and have traces of a fire sword.

How to find the bandits they are chasing ? There is some strong wind blowing so traces disappeared completely.

Action : Search the caravan / check if anyone is alive.

One of the bedoins is still alive.

He explained that they We were attacked, by shaitans, evil jinns or ifrits. One of them had a crown, like an evil king. Probably Iblis himself.

They are headed for the Al-Qaryatayn Oasis.

The Templar chaplain drink from one of the waterskins found on the caravan, and it contains blood instead of water. All of their waterskins were contaminated with blood. To make sure they can't drink it in case they are still alive.

Some merchants of Al-Qaryatayn paid the Templars for protection and safe passage. So they have to help.

The Pillagers

As they arrive near the village, night is falling and they see flames in village.

They hear a fight between the villagers and the pillagers, they seem to be Christians and scream in French.

As they arrive in the village, they see a child's corpse nailed to a wall in the form of a cross. And two pillagers nailing his mother next to him in the same way.

As they see the players, they start running away.

Action : Anything meaningful to stop them before they alert their leader.

At the center of the village the pillagers throw dead corpses into the oasis to contaminate it. It is followed very thoroughly by a lot of toads. An army of small toad eyes. Very strange that there would be so many toads here. The Templar chaplain is very surprised that there would be toads here.

At the center, they see a tall hooded figure with a crude crown.

Music for the Battle: (loop) Baldurs Gate 3 OST - Raphaels Final Act (Long Version)

He has a scroll case in one hand and a templar sword in the other, he wears a rusty Crusador chainmail.

He seems to laugh in a very deep and very slow voice. He says : "I have come to cast fire upon the earth; and how I wish it were already kindled!" — Luke 12:49 and he sets his templar sword in Flames.

Combat (duel) and if they didn't stop him from being warned before, then also in the same time a Combat (skirmish)

Once defeated he breaks a vial of alcohol on himself and try to self immolate.

"Fear your Lord, For the Lord your God is a consuming fire, a jealous God.”

Action : Anything meaningful to extinguish him. Like cover him in sand.

Music : Behelit - Berserk

Now that they see him closer, he seems to be a former Knight templar. His entire outfit is templar except his cloak and he made a weird crown with bits of wood on his helmet.

On him they find a very strange scroll case.

This scroll tube is made of clay but covered in arabic writings, there's a strange broken lead seal on the scroll case.

Action : if anyone has Knowledge or Polyglot : The arabic writings are prayers of protection from what's inside the tube. One the tube is also inscribed the Seal of Solomon for protection. The lead seal is a templar seal on one side and a seal from an unknown family on the other.

Inside there's a very long dark parchement which seems to be the rubbing (frottage en français) of a piece of chalk over some ancient and unreadable runes. There's a text in Arabic written below each lines, like a translation.

Action : Knowledge (cryptography or heresy) or Polyglot the original text is in Hieratic which is normally undecipherable and there's a translation in Arabic but it's very hard to understand.

Ask the players : Who tries to read it ? Make a list of all players who collaborate to try to read it, this is very important, even if they don't have the feat but "tried" to read it, it counts.

With skilled work and restraint
it will ascend from the Earth to Heaven
and descend to Earth from Heaven.
And within itself is the power of the highest and of the lowest,
within it is the light of lights,
therefore darkness flees from it.
Power of powers.
It can conquer every subtle thing,
and penetrate everything gross.

And it goes on and on very difficult to understand

The Nightmare

Music : Eternal Darkness OST - Temple Insanity

All the players who read the text are themselves in this vision following Roncelin, the others are ghosts incapable of doing anything. If nobody read it, then they are all ghosts.

They are all walking deep inside the desert.

Their waterskins are full of sand, they didn't drink any water for days.

One of them has the black scroll in his hand.

They are not able to talk at all.

Action : He opens it, it is a map. They follow it.

They walk for days and past by many corpses of many different cultures, most of which they do not recognise.

Some of which are clearly ancient Greek or Ancient Romans, ancient Egyptians also.

Some have very very strange clothes.

Action : All known cultures are respresented, but some are unknown, from the future perhaps ? Or unexplored continents ?

They arrive in the ruins of a City with very high pillars carved inside a mountain.

Action : Knowledge (heresy) : They recognise إرَم ذات العماد Iram ḏāt al-ʿimād / Iram cité des piliers / Iram of the Pillars

They are greeted by an dark giant in rags with a crown under his rags. His seems to laugh with a very deep voice and very slowly.

He points in a certain direction.

Music : (loop between) Eternal Darkness - Insanity Ambient Noise 'The Mansion' and Eternal Darkness - the Cathedral Insanity Ambient Noise

They arrive in an underground chamber with a forest of dark pillars.

Each engraved with Hieratic filled with gold.

In the middle of the room is a book whose cover is made of bones on a pile of skulls.

As they enter the room, the entire city behind them starts burning.

Action : Touch the book.

They instantly wake up in sweat in their beds.

At the end of this nightmare, all those that tried to read the book previously gain : ⛧ Whispers of Madness Add it to their charcter sheets and give them few minutes to read the effect. Then they all start the Insanity Timer. Explain them the rule to be sure they all understood.

Part 2 of Guelfes and Gibelins

Ambiance Track
5 min XXXXX
15 min XXXXX
30 min XXXXX
60 min XXXXX
75 min XXXXX
90 min XXXXX

- Music Normal : XXXXX



Part 3 The City of the Pillars

Ambiance Track
5 min XXXXX
15 min XXXXX
30 min XXXXX
60 min XXXXX
75 min XXXXX
90 min XXXXX

- Music Normal : XXXXX




Epilogue musics :

  • Firelink Shrine 1h + Fire sound
  • Then loop this Playlist Normal-Prima