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Synonyms: Usurper, Imitator

Special: Prowess

Disguise is a Prowess, this special kind of Feat is an action that can only be done once per scenario.

To acquire it, you need to already have another Feat related to it, for example : No prerequisites, anyone can take this Prowess.

Your Game Master may accept to waive such prerequisites if your background or in game actions justify it.


Using makeup, powder and trickery, the character is able, after studying one person, to usurp the identity of a target.

The character needs to study during one hour the target and then is able to mimic its dressing, physionomy, face, gestural and voice. Only someone very familiar could notice the trickery.

The character could disguise another person, however, only physical aspects would be imitated. The disguised person should own the trikster feat to imitate the gestural and voice of the target.