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Danse Macabre Part 7

4,198 bytes added, 14:32, 11 September 2022
Intro - L'Œuvre au Rouge
Searching the remains of the monastery take them a week, they see a dead monk killed by the collapse of the roof.
He is in a red robe. He has a small journal on him.The red of his robe is very strange. It could be blood red, but all reds could be blood red depending if it's artery or vein etc.... but this red gas a shade that is not usual.
The start of the notebook is legible and at some point it becomes illegible scriblings.
He apparently started sane, then lost his mind but kept using his notebook. (which explains why he has it with him at the time of his death), also all of the bones in his hands are broken which explains the bad writing.
They starts reading it.
20 Juillet Juin 1346 Caen
Moi, Robert Rougecogne, compagnon de voyage de Seguin III de Badefol
Ai décidé de tenir notre journal.
20 July Juin 1346 Caen
I, Robert Rougecogne, travelling companion of Seguin III de Badefol
Have decides to keep our journal.
They are around the campire before the battles.
They wake up after their first sleep (in the middle age people where sleeping in two shifts biphasic sleep)
They have a total of 21 troops plus 9 iconic soldiers.
Evans : [[Deus Vult !]]
The book contains detailed and realistic drawings of each, detailed enough so that players would be able ot recognise them if they saw them.
Seguin speaks (he is super super young, very handesome with long curved blond hairs, incredibly young to be a commander): He asks everyone what it feels to be a mercenary. We followed Raoul II de Brienne from Gascony and finally we will see our first big battle.
====Choice 1 : Be in the tower of the bridge====
The commander is shocked of their answer. And puts them in the very very front.
Lose 5 Mercenaries and 2 iconic mercenaries.(some martial Feats can soften this blow)
====Choice 2 : Be on the bridge in the front====
The army in front is massive. 15 000 people with banners from all over England, including the King himself.
The Connetable lied about the number of enemies !!
They see a weird red banned in the distance, this banner is a bit strange, because it's a different shade of red, not like it's supposed to be.
====Choice 1 : Go to the castle of the city====
As they try to reatreat, they are in open ground and have to retreat.
Lose 7 mercenaries and 3 iconic.(some martial Feats can soften this blow)
====Choice 2 : Lock themselves in the tower of the bridge. ====
====Choice 4 : Just hold the main line====
As the line collaspes they have to retreat to the tower and suffer heavy losses.
Lose 5 mercenaries and 2 iconic.(some martial Feats can soften this blow)
==The Saint-Peter Bridge Massacer Massacre : 15 min==
'''Music : Z_Baston-Belle Epreuve - Chute'''
Everyone on the bridge is massacred because they attack from both sides.
Most people including the players retreats to the tower of the bridge, including the Connétable of France and lots of nobles.
The only entry gate is on the neemy side now.
===Choice : The door breaks===
====Choice 1 : Attack out====
Lose 7 mercenaries and 2 iconic.(some martial Feats can soften this blow)
====Choice 2 : Try to condemn the staircase with stuff====
Lose 3 mercenaries and 2 iconic.(some martial Feats can soften this blow)
====Choice 3 : Wait in the staircase with a spear and arrows====
Lose 2 mercenaries and 1 iconic.(some martial Feats can soften this blow)
==To the Castle ! : 15 min==
'''Music : Continue Z_Baston-Belle Epreuve - Chute then Z_Baston-Belle Epreuve'''
XXXA Impressed by their defence of the tower, A Noble Knight Comes to them, a message with the sceal of the Connetable needs to be . It is of utmost importance that it is delivered to the CastleXXXXCastle of Caen.The Connétable orders them to go to Connetable is stuck in the top of the Castle and send a flying pigeon.He gives same tower as them a scroll that they need to deliver no matter what.
The Connétable will stay behind.
They jump out have to find a way to go to the castle of the tower into the friend linesCaen no matter whatXXXXX???Falconry It has to be delivered in person, they cant risk using a falcon or a pigeon. Enemies have falcons to deliver the message prevent flying pigeons from going out to the castle ???XXXXXXother towns.
===Crisis : How to go through the enemies lines===
Punishment : 6 troops, 2 iconic. Even if success : 3 troops, 1 iconic
(some martial Feats can soften this blow)
===Crisis : A Welsh Monster===
One of the English soldiers managed Onthe way to enter the castle. He locked himself , the way forward passes through a tower a Huge English (Welsh) soldier is in a the dark of this towerentrance.
Tons of French corpses around the entrance of the tower, nobody wants to go there.
Inside it is a massive ginger Welsh soldier. "Dewch! Dewch yn fwy!"
'''Combat (duel) or just burn the building. or do nothingand go around it'''
Reward : They gain 5 soldiers.
'''Music : continue the previous playlist e.g. Z_Baston-Belle Epreuve and Z_Baston-Belle Epreuve - Chute'''
The Bishop Guillaume Bertrand is in the Castle, he thanks and rewards the flying pigeon are goneplayers for their service. He pays them handsomely and asks for another favour. There's a A royal family membermessenger is here, he has a young princess in message to deliver to the kingm of the castle, he charge utmost importance to let him know the player with escorting her out situation. They have to escort him to outskirt of the city.
There's a secret door to leave the castle.
===Crisis : Rape and pillage===
ThereOn their way, there's a group of women who came back from the wash-house (lavoir) and a big gang of English archers want to rape them.
'''Combat (skirmish)'''
Punihsment if they dont have Combat skirmish and help anyway : 4 mercenaries 2 Iconic If they simply let them be, they dont loose troops
His men take a lot of things as loot, like beds, sheets of cloth etc...
After a long conversation Unless he escort them out of the city including suspects the princess. He actually propose playrs to take her in his protection and release her after the be cowards running from battle, he let them go. Player can accept or not. XXXXXTroupe qui viens chercher la princesse.XXXXX
As soon as he leaves, resume the main playlist : '''Music : continue the previous playlist e.g. Z_Baston-Belle Epreuve and Z_Baston-Belle Epreuve - Chute'''
By trying to leave the city, they pass by the tomb of William/Guillaume the Conqueror, where the King Edward III came to kneel.
Their leader decides to sneak They see Royal guard all around and some traitor French knights.They also see some soldiers in the church to try to assasinate himstrange red. One of the traitor french soldiers recognises the royal messenger and attacks the players. He insist  Regardelss what the players do, they manage to go alone with few friends escape, but Seguin is captured by the Black and Red knight ("The Devil") (Eloi if he is still alivesmashes his knee with a mace,).XXXXIls rampent sur une poutre et Seguin tombe quand ils s'en vont d'où la jambe casséeHe is captured and put in a weird cage cahrriot.XXXX
Few minutes later, only one friend escapes, he explain that the Black and Red knight ("The Devil") caught the leader.
They see the cage being escorted out. And Seguin is inside.
(at this point "The Devil" tortures their leader.)
After this skirmish, they finally reach the limits of the city and the Messenger is now safe.
===Crisis : Free the prisoners===
Further down there's a drunken rape orgy. In "red"'s camp.
Nourriture Food : Roasted Peacock with added feathers, Roasted Boar, meat pate
Two prisoners have been hung upside down and their throat slit.
They see Seguin attached to a tree upside down, covered in cuts. There's a weird lady in a red robe when they see her hand, it has massive claws. XXXXXXXDans le camps de rouge, la succube est nue sous une she is naked under a cape elle as une coiffure fait avec du Guy , she has a huge mistletoe crown on her head (comme ça pas certain qu'elle ait des cornes ou pasto conceal her horns)XXXXXXXX.  
Who get near him and slit his throat. Then covers her face in his blood. On her cape is embroided the emblem of red with a golden stripe and three frogs.
They see it better from this distance :
once crushed, there will be lots of wealthy nobles to capture.
The bishop gave them some flying pigeons.
After their help, he gives them a very handesome reward, they can use the rich feat once.
===How to follow them ?===
1500 dead knights. 2000 Genovese Crossbowmen. 3000 footmen. Only feww hundred dead english.
Including They even see the corpse of Jean Ier de Luxembourg, aveugle, qui charge entouré de ses gens sur son cheval lié par la bride à ceux de sa maisonwho is blind but charged anyway surrounded by his knights and guided by them.Croissant sur les armoiries pour dire que cOn the armories they look for crescents because it'est un cadet et pas l'héritiers the only wayt to know if it the heir of the family or just a memebr.
Alençon, the brother of the king is dead under his horse at the top of the hill surrounded by dead English.
11 high noblesdied
Jean Ier de Luxembourg, roi de Bohême et comte de Luxembourg ;
Also tell them about the Oriflamme.
They see signs of the king's banner, he was here, is he safe ? He had the Orfilamme with him. They need to try to find it. The Biship needs to know.
The king, is the king safe ? The Oriflamme, I saw they know that it lost was supposed to be in this battle, please find it !he begs them to search for the oriflamme, with a bit of luck it is still there.
Whatever they do, they won't find either.
They do find the next information (ambiance part):
===Finding the altar===
There's a dagger planted vertically on the altar, the handle is red. A very weird red. It looks like it's shaking a little bit. (because it's planted on the wounded but alive soldier)
When they take the dagger out, the altar bleeds a little and shakes.
On the dagger's blade : The devil's motto "Lasciate Ogni Speranza"XXXXXXBannière du diable sur la dagueXXXXXXand they see the same weird crest.
When they remove the dagger, one of the corpses wakes up, his eyes injected red.
There are big parts of the book that speaks about the siege of Calais, but the players decide to skip to the last chapter directly.
10 Juin 1347 Calais assiégé
Right now their task is to dismantle a food black market. They do it not for the money, who lost all value, but because they believe they can steal some food as the market is being dismantled.
XXXXXXWhy would they go to Calais directly at the beginning of Part 3 ?XXXXXX
==Calais under siege (past June 1347)==
===How to find the food black market ?===
They lose 30% of soldiers starving. snd 1 Iconicof their choice no matter what.
'''Action : see if some people are not starving.'''
'''Action if they have Rich it works as wellor any other good ideas'''
===Food Black Market===
In the food black market, horse is the most expensive meat. Cheaper than that is rats, boiled leather, boiled ropes, spiders, boiled wood, the cheapest is called "special pig". But for some reason nobody likes special pig.
They found the location of the food black market. How to capture as many resellers as possible ?
Too many exits to attack from all sides.
'''Action : Remember the faces of the merchantsor follow them one by one to their homes'''
===Trail of the Vampire===
Fast foward to today, 10th of March 1348.
The players have rushed as fast as they could to Calais to investigate.
The city now belongs to the English but of course the English major of calais doesn't want any problems with the inquisition so they are welcome.
How to find this palace ?
'''Action : They have to understand that it's an Atrium and search for ancient roman villas. There are few and they find the one. Unless they find another smart way. For example they can use Clairvoyance or find districts with more rats. Or follow the trail of people bying corpses, interrogation or the Trail feat are possible as well.'''
==Red Hell==
===Red Atrium===
XXXXAtrium pas besoin de runes. Mais dans la chapelle oui.XXXXX
In the middle of the room is a red pool that smells like wine. In front of it there's a wall of faces.
There are lots of toads on the ground eating black triangular oesties.
There are runes written everywhere in bright red. Especially on people.
Someone naked enters the room with an Arbalest. It's One of the previous player charactersiconics.
For some reason he is screaming and putting his hand on his neck (where he was bitten)
'''Action : What to do against an Arbalest ? Reflexes can work. Otherwise one player is shot.'''
===Red Shrine===
From now on There are runes written everywhere in glowing bright red. Especially on people.
Another of the previous characters or an iconic (it has to be priest) is attached upside down on a cross.
His belly is open and his guts are showing, but he is still alive.
There's a succubus sitting on the shrine.
She has horns(actually they are fake), she is naked and super sexy, her body covered in tatoos.
But there is something very disturbing about her, her cheeks have been cut, making her jaws very very wide and monstruous.
She has one weird gauntlet. Is has sharp claws and a spike in the middle. The spike is attached to a syringe and a long tube.
She threatens to kill the priestguy.
She says if you move I kill him. She has sharp claws at his neck.
She is drinking blood from the chalice. Sitting on the altar.
The ground is covered in crosses.
'''Up to them to kill her in any way they want. If they can or not save the Priestperson, (or Heal him) it's better if they do.
He tell them a useful information. He explains about the pump and the flute.'''
If they waste too much time, she jumps by the window and run away.
===Red Banquet Hall===
====Army of the dead====
XXXXXXSalle de banquet insister sur l'obscurité et les chauves-sourisXXXXXX
In the banquet hall, there is a huge satanic statue of Lucifer Playing the flute.
The room is very very dark. And we can see hundreds of bats.Some Lucifer crests everywheremore red runes than ever.Huge banquet organised with blood sausages (boudin ) everywhere. All the guests are "dead"or dunk with bite marks and red runes.
They hear some pump noises (they have to search to find the people activating the pumps in the sides of the room)
Two people, with blindfold activate the pump.
It turns the statue into a fountain of blood coming out of the flute, it also make a weird music and the room fills with black smoke.
 XXXXXIl infuse dans le sangThe blood has a very weird smell of alcohol and alchemical ingrediends, d'où le timingit has clearly been mixed with anti coagulants or something.Le sang a infusé, alcool de sang XXXXX
It takes a bit of time before the people start raising.
When the pump is activated, all the "dead" people raise and attack the players.
The players are split between two Skirmishs at the same time. '''Including all the of the player charcters, except the last one.''' Every time someone is cut, some "zombies" rush on the floor to drink the blood.
'''Action : Stopping the people pumping blood will stop the "zombie armies"'''
'''Music : Z_Epique-Babel'''
As soon as the music stops, the altar starts being is smashed and bleeds like crazy through the cracks.A huge person will smash the altar from behind and behint it. 
Behind the altar is a room compeltely red filled with blood. In the shape of an egg. (it is the blood reservoir)
In a torrent of blood, a huge person with a goat head masks Combat (monster) arises.(it's also an iconic, but they don't know that)
He has a massive trident.
XXXXXXScène finale beaucoup de sang se reprends dans la salleXXXXXXSo much blood is pouring out of it that the room fills with blood gradually and the blood level reaches the knees.
'''Courage''' to fight it or the player runs away.
A turn later, from the flow of blood also comes out. "Knight" in a red armor with a Rondel (Tassette in French) made of Bones his helmet has a big mouth with lots of teeth and some fangs '''Combat (duel)'''.
Both to be fought at the same time.
The room is very dark partly because of the smoke, he appears and attack players then disappear. '''Combat (duel)''' at each of his appearances.
'''Action : Open the windowsor use Clairvoyance Feat'''
Now he cannot hide in the shadows. Some bats run away from the light.
Now they can '''Combat (duel)''' him.
They kill him. But somehow he survives and his mercenary troop too. On him they find the [[Bone Rondel]](Tassette in French).
*Then loop this Playlist '''Normal-Prima'''
At the end they realise the monster with a goat head was one of the player charactersiconics.They understand why the Rubedo wasn't done before : Because it cannot start before the end of albedo also you need to infuse the blood for a long long time with some alchemical components.
What to do with the [[Bone Rondel]] ? (Tassette)
-The Connétable of France was executed when he comes back.
-La Margot became an infamous mercenary company : He will fight at the battle of poitier on the English's side, he will pillage and rasom countless cities, including Nîmes, Alès, Montbrun etc.. And will even ransom the pope himself in Avignon.
-But reassure the players that they eventually find him and poison him but that's years in the future.
-The Black prince reassure the pope that he has actually no idea of what was happening in the city and he was in no way associated wiht it. He asks for dsicretion because he doesn't want to be accused. The pope accepts, but in exchange he asks him to sign the treaty of Bretigny
The pope has his own reasons for signing this, he is neither supporting the king of france nor the english king, he has his own plot.
XXXXXXLe ROI anglais va mener son enquête sur les gens en rouge-The English king guarantees that he will investigate this matter very seriously and at the next scenario he brings critical information to the players. Ils ne trouvent pas d'indice sur place mais lui leur en donneraXXXXXX
==Post Game Bonus==
More information about the Siege of Caen, which happened exactly as I described it, step by step, including the charge to the castle by horse and the drunken orgy afterward : (the french article has more details than the english one)
Drawing of the Saint Jean bridge :
More information about the battle of Crecy :
More information about the Siege of Calais :
Seguin III de Badefol and
Satan's Crest :
AI Generated Image of the Bone Rondel :
AI Generated Image of the Red Knight :
AI Generated Image of the final battle against the Red Knight :
AI Generated portrait of Seguin III :
AI Generated Image of the Neuberg Abbey burried under the snow :
AI Generated Image of the Albedo runes (in the white egg near the abbey) :
AI Generated Image of the Satanic Statue playing the flute :
XXXXXXPost game bonus CaenPhoto du pont de CaenPost bonus CrécyPost bonus CalaisXXXXXXAI Generated Image of the Red Atrium :
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