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Danse Macabre Part 7

33 bytes added, 19:51, 26 February 2022
What report to write
1500 dead knights. 2000 Genovese Crossbowmen. 3000 footmen. Only feww hundred dead english.
Including They even see the corpse of Jean Ier de Luxembourg, aveugle, qui charge entouré de ses gens sur son cheval lié par la bride à ceux de sa maisonwho is blind but charged anyway surrounded by his knights and guided by them.Croissant sur les armoiries pour dire que cOn the armories they look for crescents because it'est un cadet et pas l'héritiers the only wayt to know if it the heir of the family or just a memebr.
Alençon, the brother of the king is dead under his horse at the top of the hill surrounded by dead English.
11 high noblesdied
Jean Ier de Luxembourg, roi de Bohême et comte de Luxembourg ;

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