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(Part 1 Intrigue in Avignon)
Line 74: Line 74:
He explains the relation between the current outbreak and the Justinian Plague.
He explains the relation between the current outbreak and the Justinian Plague.
They are accused of the murder of Agoust Louis de Beaux in cooperation wih Hugues des Beaux.
The 11th of January, they are summoned by the pope.
THe accusaion come from
Cardinal Élie de Nabinal accuse them of the murder of Agoust Louis des Beaux in cooperation with Hugues des Beaux and asking that he is excommunicated.
They feel that when he talks, he is super uncomfortable.
The players should find a way out of the accusation.
The players should find a way out of the accusation.
Either using a skill, or using proof.
Either using a skill, or using proof.
What proof do they have ?
What proof do they have ?
After he audience, the cardinal looks terrified.
==Reasoning with the cardinal==
Either they go to the cardinal by themselves, or he sends them a letter.
He explains that he had no choice.
==Assasination attempt==
As they are locked in their rooms, an assasin come through a secret passage, even the pope wasn't aware of this secret passage.
Fight in the night.
XOne of the pope's troop lock them and shoot arrows through the door.
XHe seems terrified, they have to convince him to stop.
XWhen he is caught, he talks. He says his wife that he thought had died. Asked him to do it.
XThe letters he received have details that nobody could have known. But the players do find her in her grave?

Revision as of 11:57, 12 September 2020

Intro - Archivum Secretum Apostolicum Avenionensium

  • Initial situation :

After the events in Marseilles, the players are summoned to Avignon. After one week of travel, they arrive in Avignon the 10th of January 1348.

Few days later, the 12th of January, they are summoned by the pope.

He received a letter signed by Cardinal Élie de Nabinal dated from this morning saying that they murdered Agoust Louis des Beaux and asking that he is excommunicated, there is do doubt that the letter is genuine.

The Pope is supportive, but he still deserves an explanation.

He summons the player and the Cardinal, but the cardinal is found dead. Which makes the players even more suspect.

Books in the Secret Archives ?? : http://esotericarchives.com/esotime.htm https://www.alchemylab.com/chronology_of_alchemy.htm

  • Liber Juratus Honorii (Sworn Book of Honorius)
  • Sepher Raziel HaMalakh (The Book of Raziel the Archangel)
  • Ghayat al-Hakim (The Aim of the Sage)
  • Sepher ha-Razim
  • The Sword of Moses
  • Book of the Acts of Solomon <-- MOST IMPORANT !!! MISSING BIBLICAL TEXT !
  • Ghāyat al-Ḥakīm (Picatrix)
  • Ars Notoria
  • Liber Semamphoras
  • Summa sacre magice
  • Emerald Tablet
  • Ars Notoria Sive Flores Aurei
  • Liber de compositione alchimiae
  • De mineralibus
  • Opus maius (Roger Bacon)
  • Ars Magna (Ramon LLul)
  • Books from Jabir Hayyan

  • Explanations :

  • Unsolved mysteries :

  • Historical themes :

-Vatican Secret Archives


-Roman Curia

Part 1 Intrigue in Avignon

  • Normal : Z_Normal-Commanderie Templière
Ambiance Track
5 min
15 min
30 min
45 min
60 min
75 min
90 min

Accused of Murder

Description of the palace of the Pope "On ne saurait concevoir un ensemble plus beau dans sa simplicité, plus grandiose dans sa conception. C'est bien la papauté tout entière, debout, sublime, immortelle, étendant son ombre majestueuse sur le fleuve des nations et des siècles qui roule à ses pieds. "

The players are greeted by the doctor of the Pope "Guy de Chauliac" He forbids the players from approaching the pope, he meet them in his chambers and they talk through a door. With perfume being burned in the whole room. He explains the relation between the current outbreak and the Justinian Plague.

The 11th of January, they are summoned by the pope.

Cardinal Élie de Nabinal accuse them of the murder of Agoust Louis des Beaux in cooperation with Hugues des Beaux and asking that he is excommunicated. They feel that when he talks, he is super uncomfortable.

The players should find a way out of the accusation. Either using a skill, or using proof. What proof do they have ? FIND AN IDEA OF PROOF

After he audience, the cardinal looks terrified.

Reasoning with the cardinal

Either they go to the cardinal by themselves, or he sends them a letter. He explains that he had no choice.

Assasination attempt

As they are locked in their rooms, an assasin come through a secret passage, even the pope wasn't aware of this secret passage. Fight in the night.

XOne of the pope's troop lock them and shoot arrows through the door. XHe seems terrified, they have to convince him to stop. XWhen he is caught, he talks. He says his wife that he thought had died. Asked him to do it. XThe letters he received have details that nobody could have known. But the players do find her in her grave?

Ne pas oublier. Le pouvoir de la bague c'est la nécromancie ! Donc il sait des choses de gens qui sont morts y compris depuis longtemps. Il connaît les passages secrets des gens qu'ils tue et leurs mots de passes. Il connait des livres que personne ne sait sont là. Car il a interrogé l'archiviste mort du vatican. L'emplacement de trésors, des secrets de famille (que quelqu'un n'est pas noble ou autres ) Donc il peut faire pression sur des gens.

Il va essayer de discréditer les joueurs, les faire assassiner, les envoyer en mission ailleurs. Le médecin du pape as la peste. Le pape se clisinne dans sa chambre. Des cardinaux meurent. Cacher des documents compromettants sur eux. Ils se réveillent un matin avec de l’huile philosophale en croix sur le front. Mais ils sont tous immunisés heureusement. (si pas tous immunisés, seul un joueur as le croix sur l front, celui qui est immunisé.) Stygmates du christ à la main et aux pieds ? Marque du diable. A la fin de la pahse 1, les joueurs vont récupérer le sous fifre en charge de faire cela. Il est abodament torturé mais meurt de ses blessure.

Part 2 XXXX

  • Normal : Z_Normal-Département Nécrologique
Ambiance Track
5 min
15 min
30 min
45 min
60 min
75 min
90 min

Phase 2 Protéger les archives Puis voyant que cela ne fonctionne pas, il va essayer d’obtenir un laisser passer, essayer de forcer la serrure des archives, controler un cardinal pour aller fouiller les archives, Les joueurs doivent trouver un moyen de protéger les archives Découverte que le peu qui restait au Vatican a été pillé. Epicentre dans les alpes. Là où était le premier scénario ? Dans une église cathare/bogomile/waldesienne reculée Hérésie ulétireur qui est à Friuli https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benandanti au final il est entré par un passage secret. Dont personne ne connaissais l'existence. une des clefs est en possession du pape lui meme et biensur la pierre n’a pas d’effet sur lui.

Part 3 XXXX

  • Normal : Z_Normal-Département Nécrologique
Ambiance Track
5 min
15 min
30 min
45 min
60 min
75 min
90 min

Phase 3 Le dédale des archives. Le parchemin des templiers. Une personne est dans les archives. Un feu se déclare ils doivent l'éteindre Un cadavre de monstre bizarre Une section sur les parties interdites de la Bible Quand ils le trouvent il viens de lâcher les pigeons voyageurs. Reliques connues et autres choses que l'ont sait être dans les archives du Vatican

A la fin du scénario, des pigeons voyageurs ont été envoyes dans un monastère au friull ou près du Frioul pour que la coïncidence ne soit pas trop forte.


Epilogue musics :

  • Epique entre-scenart gagant 12-Pista de audio 12.mp3
  • Epique entre-scenart gagant 12-Pista de audio 12.mp3 (put it twice)
  • Fin epique glorieuse 06-Final
  • Then loop this Playlist Normal-Prima

25 Janvier

Garder le mystère. Il y a un tremblement de terre, mais les joueurs n'en savent pas plus.