Editing Danse Macabre Part 4

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Send to the players before the game :
  28th of October 1347, Marseilles (Provence, Holy Roman Empire)
* Initial situation :  
  His Magnum Opus cost him everything: his fortune, his family, his soul.
  Under the unholy gaze frozen in clay of his demented masters he works tirelessly.
  The end is near, his pact is formal.
  Soon he will be the richest man in Marseille and probably in the whole Empire !
  28 Octobre 1347, Marseille (Provence, Saint Empire romain)
Metaplot :  
  Son Grand Oeuvre lui aura tout coûté : sa fortune, sa famille, son âme.
  Sous le regard impie figé dans l'argile de ses maîtres déments, il travaille inlassablement.
  La fin est proche, son pacte est formel.
  Bientôt, il sera l'homme le plus riche de Marseille et probablement de tout l'Empire !
=Intro - Danse Macabre=
Possible villains :
* Initial situation :
**Date : 28 October 1347
**Location : Marseilles (Provence, Holy Roman Empire)
Previously, the players have found an invitation for a Masquerade (Bal Masqué) for the Toussaint 31 Oct 1347 !!!! (Fete des morts).
There was a date, but no address on it.
On the invitation, there is a drawing of the Saint Victor Abbaye in the background. https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abbaye_Saint-Victor_de_Marseille
This is a hint that the ball will happen in Marseille.
And indeed, a ball is organised there, near the docks.
The players find where the maskerade was supposed to happen. It was supposed to happen in Marseille. In the cathedral.
An alchemist found "the book"
They arrive few weeks before to try to investigate.
This book explain how to summon demons and gain riches beyond imagination.
It also explains where to find the other artifacts.
"the book" gave the artifacts to lots fo people, including a noble to whom he gave "the sword"
All artifacts bearers should make ritual deathsand ship them to Marseille.
The point being to make the tower of Bones and summon the black plague.
They succeed in 1347
The rest of the campaign is to try to kill "the book" and end the plague.
The book or the sword is nicknamed "L." and he signs all contracts under this name.
Every year, a Masquerade (Bal Masqué) is organised in Marseille by the church. It happens in the cathedral : https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abbaye_Saint-Victor_de_Marseille
The actual point of this masquerade is to gather all the representatives of the different Bone objects.  
Theplot happens just before the black plague 1347 in Marseille (change the dates and places of all previous scenarios)
brough by "marin genois"
Explain about Templars disappearing.
The ball is organised by "Bishop".
https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gasbert_de_Valle wants to become the archdeacon of a united Marseille.
"L." Promised him he could get that if he agreed to let his workers burn his cathedral with a tower of skeletons inside.
"L." also gave him an artifact, (the artifact related to the archdeacon (archeveque)
During the ball, he will give them instructions on how to meet them for the final ritual : The burning of the tower.
"L." wished to do that so he can summon the Plague.
Plotical tension in Marseille, some rebellions.
Cathedral is a living place, lots of beggars and orphans. People sick and poor. But balls are organised there too.
Two artifacts :
The Sword and the Book (scholar) the mask ???
The Chastellain is a cousin of a noble in Marseille. That's why he makes a shipment of corpses. He is paid hansomely for it.
  The players go to the cathedral early. To prepare.
"the Book" is an alchemist. He has a book made whose cover is made of bones
The maskerade is organised every year it's not connected to "L".
He manipulates "the sword" and promise him reaches beyond imagination if he accomplishes a ritual.
"L" uses this venue as a way to secretly give instructions on the actual meeting place and time. The meeting will happen in the cathedral where they will do the final ritual of the bones.
This ritual requires lots of sacrifices and teh construction of a chapel.
The deacon of the cathedral ("Bishop") is corrupted as well.
The aim is to summon the black plague.
-Missing ofrans (gilles de rai style)
-Altar of madness
-Burning of the Chateau Babon and one block, tower of bones inside. Players trapped.
(Chateau Babon is the name of a castle that disappeared in Marseille !)
The danse macabre masquerade
The cathedral is mostly closed. Because it's in construction.
All services are held in one wing which is still open
They build a spire of bones, to be sure the workers aren't aware that those are bones, they are hidden in word and straws
They will organise a Masquerade (Bal Masqué)
* Explanations :
Bal des Ardents : https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bal_des_ardents tragic even where a charivari ended in a fire
"L" has been preparing a ritual for a very long time.
The point of this masquerade is to gather all the representatives of the different objects. And have them inscribe on the golden Guestbook (live d'or) the position of the corpses they got. In exchange of which, they get their payment. (each gests leave with some gifts, some of which are full or gold or made of gold)
For his ritual to succeed, he needed lots of skeletons of people killed in a certain way.
The pages are torn as soon as they are inscribed (so it doesn't incriminate the chastelain directly)
That's why he recruited the Merchant "Coin", the Ministrel "Violin", the deacon "Bishop" etc...
The chastelain will hold a second marriage between whom ?
They had the task to kill X people in a very specific way. "Coin" had to buy corpses or sell goods that would kill, "Violin" had to dance them to death, etc....
As a compensation, they got gold, support and a "Bone" item.
All these corpses where shipped to him to marseille encased in bricks made of flamable materials.
First part, a theater part, where the "monster" is introduced. Four people chained together and covered in burning materials
The point is to make a spire with all the corpses and burn it.
Second part.
there is a charivari, with people dressed as beasts. They will burn and die. (part of mask's ritual to take deaths? Killed by their imagination ?)
Previously, the players have found an invitation for a Masquerade (Bal Masqué).
There was a date, but no address on it.
On the invitation, there is a drawing of the Saint Victor Abbaye in the background. https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abbaye_Saint-Victor_de_Marseille
This is a hint that the ball will happen in Marseille.
And indeed, a ball is organised there, near the docks.
* Explanations :
If successful, this ritual will multiply the virality of the plague and let it spread through europe.
* Unsolved mysteries :
* Unsolved mysteries :
Why trigger the Black Plague ?
Why triggering the Black Plague ?
Who is "L" ? Where does those "Bone" objects come from ?
Who organises and controls all of this ? ("book" ? someone else ?)
* Historical themes :
* Historical themes :
Bal des Ardents : https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bal_des_ardents tragic even where a charivari ended in a fire
Cour des miracles
Cour des miracles
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=Part 1 Cour des Miracles=
* '''Normal : Z_Normal-Cathédrale Silencieuse'''
{{Ambiance Track
=Part 1=
| 5min = Visit of the cathedral and infirmary.
The players find where the maskerade was supposed to happen. It was supposed to happen in Marseille.
| 15min = There's an old man in his bed, with a lady sobbing at his side. She's a whore (she wears very bright colours) and he is her dying father. Her son was taken as well. Her left shoulder is bleeding a strange wound with a strange shape.
They arrive at the right date at the right place and they stop it.
When interrogated, she will explain that she was forced to partake in satanic rituals. She remembers particularly the stench of sulfur and the heat. (more infos about her in the scenario track.
Some clue bring them to the cour des miracles (cour des miracles is much muc later)
| 30min = A Leper come to them asking for Alms. He said he was refused in the Leprosy. He is an actual lepper. He tell the players that orphans are disappearing, he also tell them about people meeting at night in the crypt below the cathedral. When he goes there, he cannot find the door, he points to a wall (an actual wall). He just rememebr wrong. '''When he sees the wall Music : Alone in the Dark Mysteries'''
Part 1 and 2 They have to find why orphans disappear. They are being kidnapped by "L."
| 45min = They see a man counting coins. When approached he pretends to be blind. He is a thief. After they finished takling to him, their purse is gone. And so is he. '''When he sees the wall Music : Alone in the Dark Mysteries''' His left shoulder is bleeding a strange wound with a strange shape.
| 60min = They go to their room. The hostel owner have been killed. Stabbed at the left shoulder. '''When they see he is dead : Alone in the Dark Mysteries'''  Their stuff have been stolen. When they leave the hostel, it burns. When it burns. '''When they see it burn : Berserk Behelith'''
| 75min = A riot between sailors (ville basse) and soldiers (ville haute) they fight against a new tax instored in the ville haute that tax goods coming from the sea and sold at ville haute. The Lepper is found dead in the riot. '''When they see the dead lepper : Berserk Behelith'''  His left shoulder is bleeding a strange wound with a strange shape.
| 90min = They see a vallet feeding an orphan. He runs away and bring them to the trap. ''When they are attacked : Baston Bridgands !''
The players arrive at the cathedral of Marseille. They are Greeted by the ex deacon (évèque) of Marseille : https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gasbert_de_Valle
=Part 1 Danse Macabre=
He is the Camerier of the pope : E.g. he manages finances for the pope.
* '''Normal : XXX'''
He managed to get funds to renovate the cathedraL.
The goal is to uncover how this masquerade is connected to the death.
THe current Deacon (évèque) stays in Avignon while the cathedral is being renovated.
The evil cult will pay some poor to take part of their rituals, part of the ritual is to wound them in the shoulder. The wound is the shape of a hare foot, it's the sign of the devil.
The players attend the Masquerade at the Chateau Borbon and understand what is happening.
During the Masquerade, lots of artifact bearers are present. They come to pay their respects and receive their reward. Everyone receives presents, some of which are full of gold or made of gold.
The inquisitors are allowed in, because they saw the invitation.
They go to a fake masquera de at first, then find the actual masquerade and join it.
Someone in the masqeurade have the master artifact (is it "book" ? "Emperor crown" ? or "pope key" ? unsure) anyhow he can control artifact bearers and hence influence the players.
The Deacon has a crosier (crosse épiscopale) with a relic inside. A little chesspiece representing a skeleton Bishop.
==Ambiance track==
===Fake Masquerade===
*30min Players with artifacts react crazy
He greets the players and they talk about the Masquerade that will happen.
===Insane Masquerade===
*30min Players with artifacts react crazy
*60min Players with artifacts react crazy
*100min Players with artifacts react crazy
As they meet him, he is playing chess against a canon.
==Scenario Track==
The players can make one move.
The players attend the Masquerade. The lord greets them then wears a mask.
Something is off. Everyone have similar masks. They stink and they don't speak like nobles.
They eat very little and dance like puppets. They are actors.
If they talk to the lord, his voice is a bit off.
The game pieces have their specific moves, which are also used for Byzantine (round) chess:
Action : If they tear the fake lord's mask, they see it's not the same person.
The King moves one square in any direction.
The Counsellor/Queen moves only one square diagonally.
The Elephant/Bishop moves exactly 2 spaces diagonally. It can jump over other game pieces. This means that its movement is restricted to only 8 places on the board.
The Knight moves like the modern chess knight: two spaces forward/backward or sideways plus one space at a right angle (an L-shape). The knight jumps over other pieces.
The Rook moves like the modern one: unlimited movement forward, backward or sideways until it has reached another piece. It cannot jump.
The Pawn moves one square forward when not capturing. Capturing occurs one step diagonally. Unlike modern chess, the pawn does not have the two-square step as the initial move. When pawns reach the other end of the board they are promoted to a counsellor.
He then confess that the lord went to another tower.
He is very cooperative (he's a Trickster).
They go there and discover a very corrupted masquerade. (raw meat, sex, bath of alcohol, absynthe)
In the crowd, they see some artifacts and they clearly feel them.
The lords shows to all of his guests taht those are inquisitors. People are defensive.
The Cathedral is being expanded, they want to build some new towers https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abbaye_Saint-Victor_de_Marseille#Les_remaniements_d%E2%80%99Urbain_V
People go see the lord one by one. Also, a weird valet dressed like the gream reaper comes to every guests one by one.
He will let them visit if they want except the tower because it's unstable yet.
Action : They should dress like one of the guests. Then the Grim reaper eventually come to them and ask for their letters.
Worse case scenario if they really want to visit the tower, they see nothing. Bones are hidden inside bricks made of material that can burn but looks like stone.
They have half an hour to come to him.
He want to throw them on the wrong trail. So he tells them about the numerous Oprhans disappearing. In the mean time he will order thugs to kill the players.
Action : Either they steal the reaper's bag discretely or they should give him a stolen letter from someone drunk.
He says there is a heretic cult in town who takes orphans.
The letter is a vague allusion to them havign killed X people in Y way. But it's too vague to be a proff
The point is to lure players into a trap.
The reaper then gives them a card with a name ??and a date?? on it. If they search, they understand that it's the name of a dead person burried in marseille.
They visit the hospice with the deacon.
Action : They should unearth the grave of this person.
They see Leppers, old people, beggars, orphans, diseased, wounded soldiers, madman, crippled, prostitutes.
(if the ask the orphans to stop begging, they need to pay, but it doesn't solve anything, just stop the killings)
They unearth a reward as well as some text making it more obvious what actualy happenned. But it's still too little to be a proof, sword is far too careful.
Action : Ask the orphans where they go beg. See that there is just one street with zero orphan beggars (because that's where they disappear)
Action : Ask the prositute where she met with the person that led her to the statanic ritual.
=Part 2 Missing orphans=
Too many Orphans are missing, their goal is to prove that "sword" is responsible. That way they can take him down.
The prostitute has a lot to say. Her sould is broken since her son got caught and since she partook in the satanic ritual.
==Ambience Track==
She remembers that she was paid by a very wealthy vallet wearing provins blue in a street in Marseille.
Little did he know the horrors she would have to commit to survive.
Then he put a blingfold on her and she walked on pavement, then grass, then some moving stone noise, then crawling underground, then a massive door unlocked and she arrvied in hell.
She cries as she describes hell : The heat, the sulfure. She was like inside a stomach.
There were statues decapitates with weird clay horrors instead of their heads.
There was an assembly of people in black robes. One of them was the master of the ceremony, he was the most cruel. Under his cape there was something like wings. His voice was sweet and seductive, sweet like a knife.
*100min '''Music : '''
Most prostitutes, orfans and beggars who where brought there died if they refused to submit. She wishes that she had to courage to die, because now her soul is gone because of the horrors she commited.
At the end of the ambiance track, the templare leaves (or dies or soemthing)
They made her to horrible things and as a prostitute, she have done disgusting things in the past but nothing of this magnitude. There was rape, but not only, there was murder of childrens, but not only, there was canibalism but that wasn't event he worse of it. She refuses to say what was the worse of it because it broke her sould. (some kind of combination of the three in the wrong order. The point is not to describe gruesome things to the players but to suggest them.)
She cries and want to redeem.
Action : There is a vallet looking through his window all the time. For no reason.
==Scenario Track==
An old but muscular man covered in Chains with a flail attack them while they unearth graves.
Action : They search his home, he is not here. He left throught the window to go to a nearby home (the two homes are very close.)
Action : Defeat him or try to reason with him.
The other home is a trap. That's where they are attacked.
He insult them and say that they are slaves to the lord.
He is in fact an ex templar, who is condemned to wear a chains to attone for his sins.
He talks about orphans disappearing and he is convinced this will help them prove the lord's guilt.
A lot of brigans with clubs come to them. ''When they are attacked :  Baston Bridgands !''
Every time it rains, orphans disappear.
Combat (Skirmish) or they are wounded before the guards arrive.
=Part 2 Danse Macabre=
* '''Normal : Psychlopean King in Yellow (put in the background with very very low volume : Vampire Dark Waltz)'''
{{Ambiance Track
| 5min = The ball starts with a feast in the cathedral. That draws all the poors. The meat tastes weird. Everyone wears a mask, even the poor. Lots of tables, from rich to poor. Different food on each tables. A very strong feeling of evil. Almost everyone have a wound at the shoulder.
| 15min = A strange noble come to them and ask for a Dance. He insist. If a player dance with him or refuse, he take off his mask and salute. He has the same face of a baron that died a long time ago. A splendid lady that radiates evil takes his hand to ask him to dance (she is the "Lover" of the danse macabre). Later on, the players cannot see him anymore.
| 30min = Their drink have been exchanged with blood. They spit. In their food. They find a card with a skeleton.
"Vous qui vivez: il est certain,"
"Quoique cela tarde, que vous danserez."
"Mais quand, Dieu seul le sait!"
"Réfléchissez à ce que vous ferez alors. "
| 45min = Someone shouts start attacking someone else with his knife. He is a madman : "Is saw them ! Human bodies in the cathedral ! Hundreds of them ! ! I hear their screams ! Don't get any closer !" He is not wounded at the shoulder. He is quickly surrounded by guests with skeleton masks, in particular a monk face hooded with a rosary (chapelet in english) made of bones that radiate evil take his hand and take him away (it's the Priest (curé), also an artifact) and he is taken out of the ball. Never to be seen again.
| 60min = A man with a skeleton mask come to one of the players that have an artifact. He ask him to dance and the player cannot resist. This player is gone until the next phase. He is found unconscious on the way to the cemetry. With a wound on his shoulder.
| 75min = '''Music : Behelit Berserk''' Characters chained together and covered in feathers and oil arrive and scream like monsters.
| 90min = '''Music : Danse Macabre'''  The fire starts and the maskerade stops, players are caught in the fire.
The players attend the Masquerade / Charivari / Carnaval. All the Danse Macabre characters will attend.
It's held in part of the cathedral everyone has masks.
They feel some very heavy ambiance.
Action : scan the crowd for artefact bearers, there are clearly lots of them who avoid the inquisitors as much as possible. They are extremely defensive.
For example they see :
A man completely obessed with a small chest hidden by a piece of cloth. The usurer.
They see a couple sitting on a donkey. The man on the back, the lady in front. Followed by a lot of people making a lot of noise. It's a charivari, a punishment because they re-married. The donkey is followed by a man with a walking stick. He radiates evil It's the Hermit.
Some of the guests start to puke blood. A doctor come to them. His face covered with a mask. He radiates evil. He walks them out of the party. They will die the next day.
A Wealthy religious men with a Ring that radiates evil. The cardinal.
A man with Huge arms that radiates evil. The sergent.
(if the ask the orphans to stop begging, they need to pay, but it doesn't solve anything, just stop the killings)
Action : Ask the orphans where they go beg. See that there is just one street with zero orphan beggars (because that's where they disappear)
Action: search for a place to hide from the rain. In this street there is a place to hide from the rain. That's where they get caught.
Action : follow them, they can see that a weird person (disguised as the grim reaper) give them all a letter.
Next time it rains, they can see a valet there. When they catch him, he instantly begs for mercy and gives them the key.
The key have blood on it and a skull carved. (like barbe bleue)
Action : Either they steal the guy's bag discreetely or take the letter from an artifact bearer who is drunk.
He propose to guide them.
The letter is a name and date in the past and a time. It's the name of a person who died. Raymond II des Baux 1237, he was the lord of Marseille a century ago.
Action : Tonight they should go to the grave of the person with the given name. It's a small crypt.
=Part 3 Altar of madness=
*'''Normal : '''
'''Oldaric''' will trigger a dancing mania in the city : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dancing_mania
Your goal is to find Oldaric
*'''The First dancer : Prince of Darkness - Fire Emblem'''
When they leave the maskerade, the fire starts, but they are spared.
The players discover the altar where "the sword" made his sacrifices. They found the plan of the tower, it requires a lot of corpses. Now they have to escape.
There they see someone waiting for them.
==Ambience Track==
*100min '''Music : '''
They have to get rid of him one way or another.
==Scenario Track==
They arrive in an annex of the castle. The will fight room by room.
See a jail, where they are kept.
See the place where they are killed.
See the altar of madness, where their corpse is kept.
On the altar, there are sketches of the tower of bones.
Clearly there are traces of a recent passage.
=Part 3 The crypt=
On each rooms, they can use the help of the ex templar. (if they kept it since last time.)
*'''Normal : Z_Flippant-Gyorgy Ligeti''' without '''01-GyrgyLigetiRequiem'''
{{Ambiance Track
At each step, if they fail, they get battles from that point on, the alarm leevl goes up each time they fail.
| 5min = They hear a long scream echoing and then it's gone.
| 15min = As they crawl, there's some blood stains on the floor. It taints their clothes.
| 30min = Scratching noise coming from a tomb. It's a rat inside.
| 45min = Blood dripping from the ceiling. No idea where it come from. They hear chanting. Something evil is happening upstairs.
| 60min = They see a man crawling in their direction. He was the victim of sacrificial rites, his skin is covered in cuts, his muscles are paper thin. Shortly after the players find him, he dies.
| 75min = Lots of Owl (Hiboux) arrive and look at the players. After a while. They all leave at the same time.
| 90min = The cultists found them and try to smoke them out. They are Wounded. '''Music : (fast start) Light of the Seven (EP 10 Trial scene)''' at 00:40 the gallery is full of smoke and they start to choke.
They enter the des Baux crypt, there is a secret passage that lead to the cathedral. There hear people talking and it resonates a lot.
The secret passage arrives in a strange building. (it's a forgotten part of the crypt of the cathedral)
At the entrance of the castle, there are two guard, the players need to take them down silently.
Disguise can work. Stealth can work. Poison etc... up to the players
The entrance is concealed and they have to find the entrance.
They hear people crying from inside the door.
Eye of detail : reveals one of the tombs that was frequently opened
Knowledge : Reveals the name of a person that is not supposed to be buried here
Strength : Allows to open all tombs quickly
Worse case scenario they spend a lot of time doing it. Which advances the ambiance track by one.
Uner it is a very narrow tunnel recently dug, they have to crawl for a certain time, then they arrive in the crypt.
One of the players is stuck. They have to help him.
The crypt is situated in the cathedral.
When they enter, they hear chanting from outside.
There is a monk that heard them enter. He hides.
When they are all inside, they hear a lock sound.
The monk just locked the gate they came from, then he throw away the keys.
They are locked in.
Three doors in total : The door they came from, locked with a heavy gate.
The heavy iron gate that leads to the cathedral : Locked before they came in.
A strange wooden door.
He starts shouting, they kill him quickly.
They have to find a way out without making too much noise.
The monk threw away the keys through the gate they took to enter. Just one key is reachable.
Action : they have to find a smart way to reach it.
It is a key with a carved skull on it. The key looks like a small dagger.
There is a wooden door which is covered with metal sculptures of skeletons. Skeleton dancing with people.
It is locked.
Action : One of the statues is perfectly identical to the Bone Chesspiece. if they pull it down, it reveals the keyhole. Then either lockpick or use the key.
Orphans are kept in Jails.
They need to find a way to free them without making noise.
Lock picking works, great strength work (they are shitty jails)
Shims work as well.
Hitting on the locks work, but sounds the alarm.
There is a very strong smell of sulfur that pours from the room behind.
They hear some scratches coming from next door, like claws on the gournd (they are cleaning)
The players puke.
The orphans ask the players to be silent because the "Charognard" are nearby
Thé room is very warm. Because the blood pool de was boiling. They question wether they are in hell or on earth.
THe room is an ancient crypt with statues, all of which where mutilated. INstead of their heads there is an awful clay figure sqhowing horrible scenes (rodin gates of hell style)
The orphans say there are more orphans inside.
There are 8 statues (Lucifer is missing) they represent the 9 archdevils of hell. [http://prima.wiki/images/1/15/3_Archdevils.png] [http://prima.wiki/images/7/7e/6_Secondary_Archdevils.png]
XXXX something more interesting in this room ??
Lots of valets cleaning some blood.
The room is a circle of sacrifice. drenched in blood.
There are lots or alchemical equipments and a very strong stench of chemicals mixed with blood.
The room is clearly soundproof but there a kind of ritual bell. They want to ring it.
In the corner of the room there is a pedestal to put a book and lots of chains to keep it. But the book is absent.
How to prevent them from ringing it ?
Truestrike to kill the guy before he has time ?
Bluff to make them believe it's normal that they are here ?
Any other smart ideas ?
They see a bookshelf and lots of notes. One open book.
Strong blood stench.
Action : The last written note is a letter.
The letter explaine that the person has few weeks to hold his part of the bargain, he has to kill X people in this exact way otherwise they will come for him. And death will be the last of his worries. Signed "L."
===Altar of Madness===
Lots of child heads looking at the book with bones. They are on pikes moving, liek they are chatning or something. The room is red.
They have the feeling than more and more heads are looking at them.
Action : The open book is a ledger it talks about all the "bricks" brought by each persons.
Unbreathable blood stench, horrible sight, players can go crazy.
Action : Read the book son the book shelf. One of them will force the user to keep it.
The book is held by chains, no way to take it and it is impossible to destroy it, no matter what.  The more they attack it, the more it reaches their brain.
But there's a small iron chest in front of the altar with a skull on it.
Action : Analyse the alchemical substances either using a skill or by reading the books.
"sword" then see them and shuts an iron gate to lock them in.
The he tries to smoke them out.
One of the alchemical substances is very strong burning rock.
How to open the chest ?
Action : the iron key opens it. Violence otherwise can work. Or lockpicking.
Action : use it to break the gate that leads into the cathedral.
In the chest they will countless horrible poems.
With alchemical potions and ingredients.
It explains almost everything, except what he wants to build as a gift to "art"
In this plan, they see a way out (XXXXhow ???)
They see the ritual happening. They understand that they are in the cathedral.
=Part 4 The tower of bones=
=Part 4 The tower of bones=
* '''Normal : Baston Skeleton Dance'''
They find the tower of bones. Then a fire starts.
They find the tower of bones. Then a fire starts.
At the end, a dark ship lands with the black plague onboard Italian sailors. (genois)
And they manage to kill "sword"
{{Ambiance Track
==Ambiance Track==
| 5min = The fire starts. The cathedral is on fire. There's a spark of fire on their clothes which start burning.
| 15min = The fire is unnaturally strong. They smell strong incense. They see some ritualists falling with candels they recognise some poor they saw before, for example the prostiture. Tha'ts how the fire started.
| 30min = The tower burns, revealing skeletal hands in the fire. An artifact bearer drops and starts drooling. The other players can wake him up.
| 45min = Incense smell intensifies. They hear souls screaming. they now see clearly that the tower is hiding a spire of entwined skeletons.
| 60min = The sound of souls screaming is strong and unbearable. Some heads open and scream fire then the skeleton falls. All the players who have artifact start walking toward the tower, the other players stop them, but they all temporarily insane.
| 75min = More and more skeletons start falling from the tower. THe ground is glowing red with skeletons crawling. Parts of the roof caves in. They have to avoid it.
| 90min = The tower collapses. Same for the roof of the Cathedral. They are hurt.
The ritual is accomplished, they start to burn the tower.
All the artifacts holders keep chanting, they are at the top of the cathedral.From times to time some people doing the ritual fall.
The players try to stop the ritual but to do so they have to climb the cathedral and "Bishop" is there to attack them.
As the tower burns, it reveals all the corpses bound in a spiral.
Fire pours through the skulls.
They hear horrible sounds, like souls.
The air is filled with strong incense, makes them hallucinate.
Phase after phase the fire become more unnatural and stronger. Start to burn more and more of the cathedral.
BOSS fight against the deacon "Bishop".
When they enter the cathedral, "Bishop" happens to be there.
If they have any remo way to attacking him, they skip one step.
There's a very narrow stair. "Bishop" ask a cultist to hold it with a spear. The "cultist" is a poor from before with a mark on his shoulder. He is clearly not himself.
Combat skills can work or any other way to kill him. Otherwise they are wounded.
They climb the stairs, "Bishop" raises a dead cultist poor man corpse. His eyes burns. One of the players clearly see that it is only a big cultist with a skeleton mask. He has a Shield and a mace.
Action : Combat duel can work. Attacking the roof can work. Otherwise one player has to stay and let the others pass. He is wounded or killed.
There a very narrow "poutre" they have to cross, but two crazed poors shoot at them.
Action : They have to find any meaningful way of passing through. There's no protection immediately next to them, but the previous soldier had a shield.
They get closer to him and he starts screaming, which breaks all the surrounding windows and there's a surge of fire, it break all remaining ground between him and them.
They have a way to retreat to the nearby walls.
Or they have a shot at him.
Action : if they have anything to attack distantly or jump through, they can do it. If not they have to leave. If they go back, they can grab the bows of the previous soldiers, but they have to be very veyr fast.
If they reach this point fast enough, they can leave indemn. Or they are hurt.
if they manage to kill him they can keep the [[Bone Chesspiece]].
Either way, they are separated from the rest of the cultists who run away.
The ritual is a success.
==Scenario Track==
Rodin gate of hell.
The players have no choice but to jump to water to leave the burning cathedral. They see a ship that is attached to the cathedral.
Epilogue musics :  
Epilogue musics :  
*'''Firelink Shrine 1h + Fire sound'''
*'''Epique entre-scenart gagant 12-Pista de audio 12.mp3'''
*'''Epique entre-scenart gagant 12-Pista de audio 12.mp3''' (put it twice)
All the city is fighting the fire for a long time. After hours of fight, the fire is finally tamed. They use large hooks to destroy the buildings around it. But for some reason the fire doesn't propagate at all outside this tower of the cathedral.
*'''Fin epique glorieuse 06-Final'''
*Then loop this Playlist '''Normal-Prima'''
All the city is helping to clear the fire. In the remnants of the cathedral, they find an ocean of burned bones.
Next scenario : Black Plague in marseille, and killing "doctor" ?
In the ocean of corpses, they see a huge iron egg containing lots of half dead people. One of them only is alive, it is an italian sailor. His body is almost entirely burned. He has a big commplicated pattern completely black on his left shoulder. His body is covered in black spots. He explains in latin that their ship was attacked and they where caught in this weird ritual.
He caughts a lot. He dies in the same day.
The pope is very embarrased that a person very close to him was a heretic, so he decided to change the date of his death, to make sure he couldn't be linked to this incident and made sure nobody could talk about this event. Since only the tower burned, he decides to rebuild it.
The sailor is sent to a hospital and dies shortly after there.
All the people in the hospital die of the plague. The black plague is releaseed in Marseille !
1 November 1347
==Post Game Bonus==
Send those to the players as a post game bonus :
The Cathedral of Marseille : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abbey_of_St_Victor,_Marseille
Actual picture of the crypts below the Cathedral : [http://prima.wiki/images/4/4e/Cathedral_Crypt.jpg]
There was an actual events where during a masquerade people coevred themselves in feathers and oil and caught fire (even though it was not at that period) it was later called the "Bal des Ardents" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bal_des_Ardents : [http://prima.wiki/images/4/46/Bal_des_Ardents.jpg]

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